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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

versão On-line ISSN 1025-0255


GARCIA PEREZ, Neivys; LEGANOA ALONSO, Jacqueline; ALONSO MONTES DE OCA, Carmen  e  MONTALVO CESPEDES, Neisa. Behavior of dentoalveolar traumatisms in children and adolescents. AMC [online]. 2010, vol.14, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1025-0255.

Background: among the main stomatological urgencies dentoalveolar traumatisms are found, because of the pain, discomforts and sudden functional alteration that makes patient to go to the stomatologist. Objective: to determine the behavior of dentoalveolar traumatisms in children and adolescents from the urban area of Vertientes municipality in Camagüey province. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study from January to June 2008. The universe coincided with the sample and it was conformed by five hundred twelve children and adolescents between eight and eighteen years of age with antecedents of dentoalveolar traumatisms, who were examined in their respective study centers. Data were collected in a form made for this end. Results: masculine sex was the most represented with 79% and 78% was in a single tooth. The fundamental causes were the falls in games, in bicycle accidents and the practice of sports. The lesions prevailed in the upper jaw and the most affected dental group was of the central incisors. Conclusions: dentoalveolar traumatisms were most frequent in ages from eight to eleven years and in the masculine sex. An injured tooth prevailed in more than the half of the patients. The half of the traumatisms presented non complicated fracture of crown and the prevalence of dentoalveolar traumatisms in the studied children and adolescents was about a 21, 65%.

Palavras-chave : tooth fractures; tooth injuries; tooth socket; child; prevalence.

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