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vol.14 número1Propuesta alternativa para el tratamiento del vólvulo sigmoideoCompilación bibliográfica con interfaz web de la revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

versão On-line ISSN 1025-0255


SOSA CALCINES, Juan Daniel; VELAZCO GONZALEZ, Nitza de la Caridad; FERNANDEZ SANCHO, Diana Caridad  e  HERNANDEZ NAKAHARA, Arnaldo. Preterm low birth weight postnatal growing for gestational age during the first year of life. AMC [online]. 2010, vol.14, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1025-0255.

Background: the designed and structured intervention strategies in time and personal are the result of health social policies, brought about favorable results in the recovery of the low weight anthropometry. Objective: to evaluate the postnatal growth of the preterm with birth weight smaller than two thousand five hundred grams and underweight for their gestational age and to implement health actions, guided to achieve quickly their channel of growth until the first year of life. Method: health interventions in the course of a longitudinal study of cohort were conducted, at the Gyneco-obstetric University Hospital "Ana Betancourt de Mora" and health areas of the Camagüey municipality. Aspects of the anthropometric growth were evaluated during the first year of life. Data were collected of the clinical histories and were taken to a form, which were processed with the SPSS program. The universe was constituted by twenty-five preterm boys/girls with birth weight smaller than 2500g and underweight for their gestational age (study group), 25 term infants and appropriate weight (control group) born in the 2005 year and continued in the 2006, fifteen preterm low weight boys/girls for their gestational age born in the year 2004 evolved during the 2005 (historical group). Results: it was found in a significant way that the longitudinal growth was ascending in time in the studied groups. Conclusions: the underweight subjected to interventions presented a bigger growth that the historical control, coming closer to that of normal weight.

Palavras-chave : gestational age; anthropometry; child; infant; low birth weight; growth and development; intervention studies.

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