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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

versão On-line ISSN 1025-0255


MIRANDA, María de los Ángeles; SANTANA ALVAREZ, Jorge  e  FERNANDEZ ALVAREZ, Argelia de la Caridad. Peripheral vertiginous syndrome: individualized program of physical exercises for its rehabilitation. AMC [online]. 2010, vol.14, n.3, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1025-0255.

Background: to improve the level of life of the patient carrier of a peripheral vertiginous syndrome is a challenge for any professional of Medical Sciences, given by the complexity of this disease whose clinical manifestations are able to prostrate the sick person disabling him/her from the motor and social point of view. Objective: to evaluate comparatively the results in the clinical evolution of vertiginous syndrome with the application of a program of rehabilitation exercises. Method: a randomized and controlled clinical trial was conducted in sixty patients carrier of the disease divided in a study group and a control group both conformed by thirty patients. Results: the results in the study group were superior in patients of fifteen to fifty-five years, the female sex prevailed. Ménière disease was the most frequent cause, vertigo prevailed like bigger symptom and more than the half of patients of the study group obtained regular and good results after two months of being incorporated to the study and for that reason abandoned the conventional treatment, being less expensive the treatment for this group. Conclusions: the results of the individualized program of vestibular rehabilitation exercises were significantly superior in patients belonging to the study group; with bad answer in a masculine, polytraumatized patient; in who the vertigo improved, but it never disappeared.


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