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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

versão On-line ISSN 1025-0255


CASADO TAMAYO, Doramis et al. Effectiveness of the treatment with oleozón versus aloe cream in the subprosthesis stomatitis. AMC [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.2, pp. 202-212. ISSN 1025-0255.

Background: the denture stomatitis is an inflammatory pathology that affects the mucous oral that is contact with the dental prosthesis. Objective: to establish the therapeutic effectiveness of the oleozón and the aloe cream to 25 % in the treatment of the denture stomatitis. Methods: a experimental study of evaluation of therapeutic alternatives in an universe of 96 patients with diagnostic of denture stomatitis type I and II in the Manuel Sánchez Municipal Stomatolgical Clinic, Manzanillo, Granma, in the first semester of the year 2016. Results: the denture stomatitis type II were identified in 39,58 % of the patients in both treatment groups. Alone a patient registered with a consistent light adverse reaction with ardor to the application of the oleozón. To the 10 days of pursuit the oleozón was in 100 % of effectiveness therapeutic in the types IA and IB of denture stomatitis while in the type II this it was of 84,21 %. In this same period of time the effectiveness of the aloe cream to 25 % was 94,12 % and 91,67 % in the types IA and IB respectively while in the type II this effectiveness was of hardly 68,42 %. Conclusions: the denture stomatitis continues being more prevalent in the female sex being the oleozón a highly effective therapeutic alternative and with very superior therapeutic results, in the time, to the use of aloe cream to 25 %.


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