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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

versão On-line ISSN 1025-0255


ALVAREZ LOPEZ, Alejandro  e  GARCIA LORENZO, Yenima de la Caridad. Anchor fixation in full section of Achilles tendon: a case report. AMC [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.2, pp. 277-282. ISSN 1025-0255.

Background: although Achilles tendon’s rupture is a frequent entity, its rupture at the level of its insertion is not common. Objective: to show a patient who suffered an Achilles' tendon rupture at its insertion and was repaired by an arthroscopic anchor. Clinical case: a 55-year-old white woman. The patient was taken to the Orthopedic Emergency Department because of left Achilles tendon sharp pain, and inability to walk and move the ankle. At that time a cast was applied in flexion position of the ankle: After three days, having performed previous regional anesthesia and asepsis and aseptic measures the patient underwent surgery, a medial incision was made. The full section was confirmed at this insertion. Later an arthroscopic anchor was used to fix the tendon to bone and the tendon fascia was stitched. Conclusions: Achilles tendon re-insertion at the level of its insertion could be performed by using arthroscopic anchors. It is a feasible method for patients with ruptures at this level.


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