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vol.4 número3Farmacognosia de la droga «Flores de Majagua» (Hibiscus Elatus sw., Familia Malvaceae).: I: Farmacogeografía, farmacoetimología, farmacoergasia y farmacoetnologíaActividad antiinflamatoria y cicatrizante del ungüento rectal de aloe vera l. (sábila) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales

versão On-line ISSN 1028-4796


LEON SARABIA, Jorge Enrique; ROSALES CLARES, Vivian del Pilar; ROSALES CLARES, Reinaldo Alberto  e  PAVON HERNANDEZ, Vital. Alternativas terapéuticas para pacientes portadores de colitis idiopática utilizando aloe vera l. (sábila): Una experiencia. Rev Cubana Plant Med [online]. 1999, vol.4, n.3, pp. 102-105. ISSN 1028-4796.

Authors assessed pharmacological and therapeutic properties of Aloe vera L. (sábila) in treatment of idiopathic and ulcerative colitis (IUC), and also to prevent relapses for remission period of disease in patients carriers of such entity, seen in «Orlando Pantoja Tamayo» Teaching and General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba Province. By means of anamnesis, periodical endoscopic evaluation, as well as a further statistical confirmation, we proved the therapeutical properties of the plant during crise disease periods, where almost all cases were cured in a lapse not greatest than 7 days and remainder ones, not exceed the 15 days of evolution. Also, the few influence on extent of remission periods and appearance of relapses. Results were compared to those obtained by conventional treatment using Azuldifine as drug of choice in treatment of this entity.

Palavras-chave : COLITIS, ULCERATIVE [therapy]; COLITIS, ULCERATIVE [prevention & control]; ALOE [therapeutic use].

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