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Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales

versão On-line ISSN 1028-4796


ALMEIDA VARELA, Eliseo et al. Cytotoxicity of the aqueous extract from the Manguifera indica L. (Vimang®) in Escherichia coli and human lymphocytes. Rev Cubana Plant Med [online]. 2010, vol.15, n.4, pp. 219-228. ISSN 1028-4796.

INTRODUCTION: Vimang® is a product of natural origin obtained from the mango tree (Manguifera indica L. Anacardiaceae family. This compound has been classified as antioxidant, immunomodulation agent, etc. Thus, it is important to know its cytotoxic potential. OBJECTIVES: to assess the cytotoxicity of a aqueous extract of Vimang®. METHODS: the prokaryotic (PQ37 strain-Escherichia coli and eukaryotic (human erutjrocytes) models and cellular survival curves with PQ37 strain (with and without metabolic activation) were made and the levels of alkaline phosphatase were quantified (by Chromotest SOS test). Later, a trial of mitochondria activity was developed in erythrocytes. The concentrations of study Vimang® were: 50, 250, 500 and 1 000 µg of lyophilized/mL extract. RESULTS: the prokaryotic trial indicated that, in absence of S9, Vimang® decrease significantly the cell viability when it is applied at a concentration similar o higher than 500 µg/mL. However, the presence of a metabolic activation could to cause a biotransformation of the Vimang's® components leading to the no-cytotoxicity of product within the study concentration rank. Analysis of alkaline phosphatase levels quantified in presence of Vimang® suggested that the cytotoxicity detected in PQ37 Escherichia coli apparently isn't related to protein synthesis inhibition. In the case of the eukaryotic trial used and the assayed concentrations, the cell survival of erythrocytes (in presence of Vimang® not decreased significantly in relation to the corresponding controls. CONCLUSIONS: Vimang® is cytotoxic for the PQ37 strain of E.coli when it is applied at a concentration similar or higher than 500 µg/mL. This effect is not observed in these cells neither when a metabolic activation is applied nor in the human erythrocytes for the conditions reported in present paper.

Palavras-chave : Vimang; cytotoxicity; SOS Chromotest; PQ37; MTT; human erythrocytes.

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