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vol.18 número3Glosario de Morfofisiología Humana I índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1029-3019


JORGES FONSECA, Cecilia et al. SangreSoft: proposal for learning blood morphophysiology. MEDISAN [online]. 2014, vol.18, n.3, pp. 449-456. ISSN 1029-3019.

To facilitate the learning for the medicine students about the topic blood, an educational software of easy navigability, denominated SangreSoft, was implemented, which allows to connect texts, images and videos, facilitates greater motivation for the independent study, as well as for the assimilation, systematization and integration of the contents, at the same time it contributes to the use of the computer science as a mean of teaching. This was elaborated as a web page, with language html, for which the Dreamweaver 8.0 was used as editor, and the Internet Explorer 6.0 as viewer. It is characterized for being simple, it doesn't demand of great computer knowledge by the user and it can be implemented with relative easiness in the teaching laboratories, with little technological requirement

Palavras-chave : educational software; computer product; medicine students; tutorial; learning resource.

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