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vol.18 número5Fibroma uterino: diagnóstico y tratamiento con medicina natural y tradicional índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1029-3019


PENA SANCHEZ, María Antonia. Dr. Antonio María Béguez César (1895-1975): from plagiarism to the historical truth. MEDISAN [online]. 2014, vol.18, n.5, pp. 733-747. ISSN 1029-3019.

In this work documental evidences are offered which establish the historical truth of Dr. Antonio María Béguez César's precedence in the discovery of the family malignant chronic neutropenia with atypical granulations of leukocytes, commonly known as Chédiak-Higashi syndrome; reason why the Cuban doctor's contributions are practically invisible for the national and foreign scientific community, and for the people to whom he cared so much. The current document is part of the Brunch Project, with the objective of providing a greater visibility to the life and work of the illustrious Santiago pediatrician who described the clinical pattern of an unknown disease, but then revealed in very diverse ways to confuse the scientific community as for its legitimate author. In the same way fragments of the information published on the discovery are presented, as well as updated, novel and trustworthy literature regarding such an important and controversial matter. Lastly, other personal and professional aspects of Dr. Béguez César are approached -- considered as the Father of Pediatrics in the eastern provinces in Cuba -- whose extraordinary merits make him worthy of perpetually being among the famous personalities of the Cuban science

Palavras-chave : Pediatrics; medical literature; scientific discovery; scientific plagiarism; author´s rights; History of Medicine; Santiago de Cuba; Cuba.

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