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Correo Científico Médico

versão On-line ISSN 1560-4381


PEREZ PEREZ, Silvia María  e  CRUZ RAMIREZ, Miguel. Application of a Methodology to Develop the Deductive Hypothetical Reasoning, from Statistic Contents. CCM [online]. 2014, vol.18, n.1, pp. 100-107. ISSN 1560-4381.

Introduction: linking the different subjects taught in basic and clinical medical practice cycle; allow to develop hypothetical deductive reasoning in the student of medical career. A methodology was designed, from the analysis of the general characteristics of the curriculum in the training of general practitioners and their contribution to primary health care. Objective: to assess the feasibility of the methodology for developing the hypothetical deductive reasoning in the second- year students of medical career, this was implemented in the teaching and learning process of statistic contents. Methods: socialization workshops with specialists was applied, and the results of the consultation to a group of experts and the application of the results in educational practice. Results: the results showed that 61.9% of the experts believed that the evaluated aspects of the methodology are quite adequate, while there are no aspects evaluated unsuitable and inappropriate for them. In the group where the methodology was applied, better results were observed comparing to  the group that did not received this methodology. Conclusions: the triangulation of used methods allow in developing hypothetical deductive reasoning in the student of medical career.

Palavras-chave : hypothetical deductive reasoning; general practitioner; medical practice; methodology.

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