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vol.21 número4Síndrome. Empleo inadecuado del término en la Discusión Diagnóstica. Semejanzas y divergencias en el criterio de expertosEstudio fitoquímico de Tridax procumbens L. (romerillo) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Correo Científico Médico

versão On-line ISSN 1560-4381


NAPOLES VILLA, Ana Victoria; MARRERO FORNARIS, Clara; MARTINEZ MUNIZ, Elieser  e  MARINO REYES, Odalys. Tool to identify, to validate and to certify the competitions, a necessity for the companies of medications. ccm [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.4, pp. 1105-1118. ISSN 1560-4381.

Introduction: the administration of the human resources for competences constitutes an alternative for the improvement of the yield of the workers of the enterprise of medications that y aspire to reach excellence services. Objective: to design a tool to identify, to validate and to certify the competences of the human resources that work in the enterprise of medications. Methods: was carried out a study for a group of experts (Specialists of human resources) that left of work meetings, in which were carried out valuations of objectives, revision of the documentation and of the current scientific literature on the topic, they were applied technical as the storm of ideas, interviews to directive of the enterprise of medications, expert's method and of Kendall W. Results: the design of the tool was obtained to identify, to validate and to certify the competences, where 100% of the experts showed satisfaction with the correspondence of the steps proposed to develop the administration focus for competences in the enterprise of medications. Conclusions: it is of great significance the design of the tool to identify, to validate and to certify the competences, as key strategy to reach the dynamism that requires the administration of the human resources in the enterprise of medications, in function of guaranteeing the population's health, as potential client.

Palavras-chave : identification; validation; certification; competences; human resources.

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