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Correo Científico Médico

versão On-line ISSN 1560-4381


CEDENO ESCOBAR, Dainier et al. Gestational hypertension behavior from 2015 to 2016, at René Ávila Reyes Polyclinic, Holguín, Cuba. ccm [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.3, pp. 386-398. ISSN 1560-4381.

Introduction: hypertension is one of the most frequent diseases during pregnancy and puerperium. Objective: to characterize gestational hypertension behavior in patients, from January 2015 to December 2016. Methods: from January 2015 to December 2016, a study was carried out on 215 pregnant women, which received prenatal care at René Ávila Reyes Polyclinic. A 68 gestational hypertension sample, was independently diagnosed. Information was obtained from the Maternal Program and the obstetric clinical records. Results: forty five patients (66.17%) showed chronic arterial hypertension. At the same group, 15 (22.06%) were over 35 years old, and 47.06% were overweight. Only 13.24% of patients suffered from preeclampsia and 69.12% were excess weight. Nulliparous women represented the 58.82% and 61 newborns birth weights were above 2500 g (89.71%). Conclusions: overweight and chronic hypertension prevailed, over 36 year’s old women. There were no patients with eclampsia or transitional hypertension. Most cases were nulliparital women, no matter their age. Hypertensive disorders did not affect newborn’s weight. Birth weight over 2500g was associated to chronic hypertension.

Palavras-chave : hypertensive disorders; gestational hypertension; preeclampsia.

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