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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3194


DIAZ PITA, Gicela Fca  e  VERGARA LOPEZ, José Luis. The influence of physical exercise on the health of the elderly: "El Morro" Medical Office, Sucre municipality, Venezuela. Rev Ciencias Médicas [online]. 2009, vol.13, n.2, pp. 290-300. ISSN 1561-3194.

An observation, descriptive, prospective study was conducted in "El Morro" Medical Office, belonging to Parroquia Petare, Sucre municipality. Miranda State. Venezuela during September 2005 to February 2006, aimed at determining the influence of physical exercise on the health of the elderly. The universe was comprised of 121 aged living in the community and the sample took 66 practicing exercises. Data were obtained from the individual medical histories and clinical observation of the elderly using the variables of age, sex, diseases they suffered from and medical treatments they received. Data were processed and to carry out the statistical analysis, percentage method was applied obtaining that 54.54% of the elderly practiced physical exercises. The 31.8% got into the group of 60-64, prevailing female sex (57.5%), hypertensive 69.56%, suffering from arthrosis 73.80% and the 71.42% having depressive disorders could be controlled . The 59.52% suffering from arthrosis, 50% of the asthmatic, 43.47% of the hypertensive and the 19.04% of those having depressive disorders diminished the dosage of medications along the day. Concluding that physical exercise improves health in the elderly and ensures a healthier longevity.

Palavras-chave : The Elderly/Physical Exercise; Medical Treatment.

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