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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3194


GONZALEZ TAPIA, Margarita et al. Tuberculosis in Primary Health Care. A case report. Rev Ciencias Médicas [online]. 2012, vol.16, n.2, pp. 241-246. ISSN 1561-3194.

A 19-year old, black, pregnant, smoker adolescent suffering from tuberculosis and having health history of respiratory symptoms was attended at "Raul Sanchez" University Outpatient Clinic. During health assistance the symptoms were interpreted as a bronchopneumonia process, clinical manifestations worsened 20 days after the delivery and she was admitted in Intensive Care Unit. Thoracic images suggested a pneumonia and antibiotic therapy was indicated. As the patient did not show respiratory improvements she was referred to the pulmonologist where pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed. The patient started the treatment observing a subsequent good progress up to the hospital discharge.

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