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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3194


MONTANE CABALLERO, Saíra et al. Diagnosis on social insertion to the community of families with children requiring special education. Rev Ciencias Médicas [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.2, pp. 342-355. ISSN 1561-3194.

Introduction: in the Psycho-Pedagogical Medical Center of Pinar del Río children requiring special education and their families are attended. Difficulties with the families’ social insertion to the community were confirmed, such as nonsystematic participation, the fact that they do not relate with their neighbors nor maintain support networks. Objective: to identify the social insertion of families with children requiring special education belonging to the Psycho-Pedagogical Medical Center of Pinar del Río, by applying techniques to the family and the community where they live. Material and method: qualitative and quantitative techniques and methods were used, such as the dialectical-materialistic general method that rules the study, theoretical methods like the historical and logical, the systemic, investigation-participative action, and ethnographic. Empirical methods were also used, such as the interview, the participative observation and the survey. The techniques used are discussion group, semantic differential and family environment inventory. Results: 100% of the families possess scarce knowledge about the topic of social insertion or its importance. In the 50% of the cases, the families have sense of belonging to their community, while in 100% of the cases community participation is poor, in the case of fathers it is scarce and in the case of the children and their mothers it is null. Conclusions: the social insertion of families with children requiring especial education denotes to be a topic treated by science, but it should be treated from different approaches to positive influence them.

Palavras-chave : Family; Child; Special education; Social adjustment.

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