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Nuevas perspectivas editoriales desde el modelo de publicación continua

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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3194

Rev Ciencias Médicas vol.27 no.1 Pinar del Río jan.-fev. 2023  Epub 01-Jan-2023



New editorial perspectives from the continuous publication model

0000-0002-2044-3154Jadier Wong-Silva1  * 

1Editorial Director. University of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Río. Pinar del Río, Cuba.

Dear Readers:

The Journal of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Río is an electronic publication with the purpose of socializing scientific information from the main results of research in health sciences or related to them. In this way, it has a positive impact on the teaching-learning processes for undergraduate and graduate studies, on the updating of knowledge of different pathologies and their treatments, always for the benefit of public health and the life of the population.

The permanent search for new ways and styles of work, the adoption of standards and models on solid and innovative criteria for scientific publications that make the editorial process faster and more accurate, are vital for the operation of this digital medical journal. The adherence to these principles has guaranteed in recent years the reach, visibility and positioning it has.

In this regard, scientific journals began to experiment with new editorial models in order to expose the articles they accept to the reading public in a more expeditious manner, thus giving rise to the "ahead of print model". Although this represented a step forward in the editorial field, the articles published in advance were not scheduled in a specific issue, and therefore lacked definitive volume, number and page identifiers.1

Continuous publication leads to the disappearance of the periodicity with which the issues are published, whether weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly, leaving the volume (which is usually annual) as the only compartment in which the articles are continuously included (rolling volume).2,3

With the implementation of the rolling publication modality, a greater immediacy of the research has been sought, since it is no longer necessary to wait for the issue to be ready with all its articles, but rather each of the papers is published as the editorial processing is completed.2,3

Some of the advantages that have been proven with this modality are: reduction between the time of reception and publication of scientific articles, less risk of research data being outdated, immediate availability of manuscripts, increased visibility of research, improvement in editorial flows, acceleration of research communication systems and, consequently, of the user's availability for reading and citation, as well as the continuous reception of scientific articles.2,3

The Journal of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Rio, welcomes this new methodology of editorial management that will guarantee greater dynamism in the process: reception, revision, edition, publication. Decision agreed upon by its editorial team based on the convenience demonstrated by other media of similar content or outside the field of health sciences. Readers and the scientific community will have access in a shorter time to research or studies presented in this official website.


1.  Sánchez-Tarragó N. La Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud adopta el modelo de publicación continua. Rev Cubana Inf Cienc Salud [Internet]. 2017 [citado: 06/02/2023]; 28(2): 1-3. Disponible en: Disponible en: https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=377651174001 1.  [ Links ]

2.  . SciELO. Guía para la publicación de artículos de revistas indexadas en SciELO en la modalidad de Publicación Continua [Internet]; 2017 [citado: 06/02/2023]. Disponible en: Disponible en: http://www.scielo.org.mx/avaliacao/GuiaPublicacionContinua_ES.pdf 2.  [ Links ]

3.  Quirós Segura F. La publicación continuada y el preprint, ventajas y desventajas: el caso de Pensar en Movimiento; 2013 [citado: 06/02/2023]. Disponible en: Disponible en: https://ucrindex.ucr.ac.cr/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/La-publicaci%C3%B3n-continuada-ventajas-y-desventajas-El-caso-de-Pensar-en-Movimiento.pdf 3.  [ Links ]

Received: February 08, 2022; Accepted: February 09, 2022

No conflict of interest is declared

No funding was received for the development of this study

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