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Competencias parentales en madres y asistentas familiares en un Programa psicoeducativo y su implementación

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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3194

Rev Ciencias Médicas vol.27 no.1 Pinar del Río jan.-fev. 2023  Epub 01-Jan-2023



Parental competencies in mothers and family assistants. Psychoeducational program and its implementation

0000-0003-4721-9803Orestes Luis Hernández-Quiñones1  * 

1University of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Río. Faculty of Medical Sciences "Dr. Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna". Pinar del Río, Cuba



parental competences correspond to the definition of parents' practical abilities to care for, protect and educate their children, assuring them a healthy development.


to structure a psychoeducational program for the development of parental competencies and its implementation in mothers and family assistants in SOS Children's Villages in Equatorial Guinea.


a quasi-experimental design of methodological value was carried out, before-after without a control group for the evaluation of the implementation of the Psychoeducational Program. The universe of the study consisted of all the SOS mothers (10) and family assistants (6) of SOS Children's Villages in the city of Bata, Equatorial Guinea, a study based on the dialectical-materialist method, combining empirical level methods, documentary analysis; survey and theoretical level, historical-logical; systemic-structural, modeling; as well as statistics, descriptive and inferential statistics and expert criteria.


Based on the conceptual theoretical association, resulting from the detailed review and determination of the conceptual theoretical tendencies about the term parental competence and synthesizing these results in the framework of the development of the same in mothers and family assistants of SOS Children's Villages, a psychoeducational program is conceived to implement, In a sequential manner, the foundations that support the components of the program are conceived, so that they acquire personal, emotional and educational strategies that allow them to get involved in an effective way in the construction of a positive family dynamics and in the development of adequate parental models for children and adolescents.


a psycho-educational program was structured in eight work sessions, dynamizing three fundamental moments, with a design of indicators for the initial, process and final evaluation of the program, the contents in the development of parental competences.



After World War II, countless families were disintegrated. Not only women, but countless boys and girls were left in a situation of helplessness, orphanhood and abandonment in the case of the latter. This situation led the Austrian Hermann Gmeiner to found, in 1949, under strong opposition, the organization called SOS Children's Villages, in the city of Imst, Austria, with the aim of restoring the house and family with which he once lived. counted this population.

In contrast to charitable institutions, both public and private, (which offered temporary shelter and were insufficient in the chaotic post-war environment), alternative ways were sought to address the situation. SOS Children's Villages then emerged as an alternative that offered the possibility, not only of a space, but also of a restructuring of family models, which was so lacking at that time.1,2

The SOS Children's Villages model gradually began to expand to countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. In Africa it arose to solve to some extent the situation of helplessness of some infants. In Equatorial Guinea it was founded in October 2010, becoming part of the organization at the regional level.3

In Equatorial Guinea, there is currently only one village that follows the organizational guidelines established by SOS Villages International. Incoming children come mainly from the Family Reinforcement Program (PRF) screening, and a foster care committee that works in collaboration with local social welfare authorities, ensuring that cases are fully investigated and that all legal requirements for foster care are met.

The child's background and current situation are assessed by the fostering committee to ensure that the child's need is legitimate and that care in an SOS family is the best alternative. In case the child has a biological family, the foster care committee will consider how the child can be supported within that family.

The biological family is informed about the SOS family model of child care and is invited to meet the SOS mother and the SOS family. They are consulted and involved throughout the foster care process. This ensures that all the required information about the child's history can be obtained and provides a good basis for maintaining family ties once the child is living with a family in the village.

In the framework of these families, parenting is a necessity, as it is the activity developed by fathers and mothers to care for and educate the children while promoting their socialization, particularly related to the attitudes and interactions between them, which are influenced and interfered by a group of factors such as peers, school, media, type of work of adults, divorce or lack of family and/or social support, among others.

In these circumstances, exercising the role of parent is complex due to social changes, the plurality of family compositions, the continuous change of dynamics and gender roles in the family nucleus.

Therefore, in order to promote values, attitudes and behaviors that favor the healthy development of children in an adequate context of development and education, competencies and resources are required.

Thus, in order to promote values, attitudes and behaviors that favor the healthy development of children in an adequate context of development and education, competencies and resources are required to face and respond to family problems and needs, which Masten and Curtis call parental competencies.4

The author's experience in the psychological care provided, as well as the background information presented, made it possible to synthesize as a problematic situation that the process of development of parental competencies of mothers and family assistants in the SOS Children's Village of Equatorial Guinea is insufficient in its psychoeducational intention and focused on traditional care, lack of personal and learning strategies on the part of the caregivers in family educational management, as well as the scarce interaction with formal and informal support networks. Therefore, a process is needed, which from the psychoeducational action and the dynamics between its components, favors the use of opportunities for psycho-affective, social and cultural development, in order to overcome the limitations of the SOS mothers and family caregivers involved in this process, thus revealing the contradiction.

The recognition of this contradiction allows formulating the following scientific problem: How to contribute to the psycho-educational improvement of the process of development of parental competences in mothers and family assistants of SOS Children's Villages?

In this sense, the part of the reality that is transformed is the process of development of parental competencies in mothers and family assistants of SOS Children's Villages in Equatorial Guinea, which is the object of research.

The author's commitment to the solution of this scientific problem is reflected in the following general research objective: to structure a psychoeducational program for the improvement of the process of development of parental competencies in mothers and family assistants of SOS Children's Villages in Equatorial Guinea.


A study was structured based on the dialectical materialist method, which, in the framework of psychoeducational research, makes viable the ascension of knowledge, from the general to the particular and vice versa, as well as from the abstract to the concrete, a necessary process given the theoretical and practical nature of the research.

From this approach, methods of the empirical level were combined, documentary analysis; survey and of the theoretical level, historical-logical; systemic-structural, modeling; as well as statistical, descriptive and inferential statistics and experts' criteria. The implementation of the proposal was complemented with a technological development research of mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative). A quasi-experimental before-after design was carried out without a control group for the evaluation of the implementation of the Psychoeducational Program.

The universe of the study consisted of all SOS mothers (10) and family assistants (6) of SOS Children's Villages in the city of Bata, Equatorial Guinea.


Conceptual association to the term parental competence in relation to the proposal.

As a result of the bibliographic review of the conceptual approach to the term parental competence, taking into account its origin and content, we speak of the ability to care for children and provide adequate responses to their needs.

When we talk about the concept of parental competence, it refers to how fathers and mothers will carry out their tasks and roles as fathers and mothers.5

Masten and Curtis,4 refer to the ability of individuals to generate and coordinate flexible and adaptive short- and long-term responses (affect, cognition, communication, behavior) to the demands associated with the performance of life tasks and to generate strategies to take advantage of the opportunities offered.

The term competencies comes from the business field and has been contextualized to various areas of knowledge such as education or psychology, from whose studies emanate its quality of constituting a capacity to integrate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to the context of professional performance.6,7

The development of parental competencies is related to marked innate personal possibilities, hereditary factors, learning processes influenced by historical moments, social contexts and culture, and experiences of good treatment or mistreatment that the future mother or future father has known in their personal histories, especially in their childhood and adolescence.8

Likewise, Urzúa, Godoy and Ocayo cited by Sahuquillo Mateo and cols,9 emphasize that parental competencies play a fundamental role in the upbringing and well-being of children, since they are the main tools that are used to sustain the affective and material care that children require in their evolutionary and social development, without forgetting the demands of the environment in which they develop daily.

Barudy and Dantagnan, referred to by Wladimir and Sanchez, (10 affirm that in an adequate sociocultural environment, humans have the biological potential to take care of their children and that the correct care will allow them to develop in a healthy and adequate manner.

It is of great importance to develop parenting education programs or parenting schools for positive parenting. Currently, many parents receive little or no training in parenting, i.e., training in positive parenting skills.11

In this sense, it is revealed as part of the results of the bibliographic review procedure that has been applied, the close relationship of the term as a component of implementation of the psychoeducational program model that refers to education or information that is supported by the use of group dynamics, problem solving, communication training and self-affirmation training, as a resource to optimize behavior, achieving greater competence in the responses of individuals to parental responsibilities,12 and the relational character of the program is delimited in a way that integrates the process of formation of parental competences in mothers and family assistants.

The psychoeducation model proposes a way to provide a solution to the contingent stressful events that occur in daily life and which are difficult for the individual to solve in his or her role as caregiver, considering this as the role or function that the person fulfills in society.13

This process is energized by the principles of sequential and progressive character supported by the systematization and integration of contents in the development of parental competences, the practical applicability of knowledge linked to the context, making it possible to organize the relationship between the professional and social modes of action.

Entering into the study of a reality implies, above all, the challenge of accepting that it is generally full of nuances, of dichotomous elements, of very diverse and, on many occasions, contradictory experiences. This is what happens when childhood is the reality to be studied, the phenomenon to be investigated. We discover that not all childhoods are the same, that not all childhood experiences are developed and harmonious, that not all the events of the first years of life are transfigured into pleasant memories, into good moments that accompany the future years, that not all children grow up in a family.(14)

For this reason, the family plays a transcendental role in the relationships between children and parents in their parental role, attachment being understood as an affective bond that is manifested in the significant relationships maintained by the human being throughout the life cycle. This particular bond allows explaining the development, maintenance and dissolution of close relationships, in which the people involved can satisfy basic needs, such as security and affection.15

Within the educational system, boarding schools play an important role because the State is concerned and takes care of placing in these schools children who, for one reason or another, do not benefit, like most citizens, from the services offered by the government; these children are at a social disadvantage because they are orphans since their parents died in the war or were abandoned for various reasons: imprisonment, alcoholism, drug addiction or prostitution.

In this sense, it is of utmost importance that the educational management in the boarding school is characterized by sharing and socializing values that foster an environment of respect, security and trust for the students. Another essential element is related to management processes, which must be integrated through the coordination and collaboration of all those involved in decision-making, in order to meet the educational needs demanded by the socially disadvantaged situation of students without family support, mainly the affective ones, to ensure their admission and permanence in the boarding school, as well as their insertion into employment, the formation of a family and thus into society.16

Among the dimensions that evaluate parental competencies is the ability to use social networks and community resources, so we work with the concept of social support perceived by children and adolescents, therefore, the structural perspective focuses its interest on the analysis of the objective conditions surrounding the support process: the relationships that make up the person's social network and that allow explaining the accessible social support he/she has. That is, whether or not there is a network and whether the network is supportive. Whereas the functional and evaluative perspectives emphasize whether interpersonal relationships provide a number of valid resources for the people involved in those relationships and thus fulfill certain functions, and whether they are being perceived as such (subjective conditions). That is to say, how supportive people are.17

Similarly, the family fulfills the function of fostering self-esteem, which represents the perception that each family member has of feeling loved and valued, which is undoubtedly a positive feeling, which helps to maintain behaviors that favor them, so that they react appropriately to a personal situation or the handling of conflictive circumstances.18

Structure of the psychoeducational program. Discussion of the validity of the proposal.

Based on the conceptual theoretical association, resulting from the detailed review and determination of the conceptual theoretical trends about the term parental competence and synthesizing these results in the development process of its professional performance, the program is conceived as a system of actions and procedures selected and organized to implement, in a sequential manner, the foundations that support the components of the competence development process, in charge of guiding the management of parental care in mothers and family assistants of SOS Children's Villages in Equatorial Guinea, which makes it possible to define the following structure:

  1. Introduction: the foundations of the program are established.

  2. Diagnosis: the existing strengths and weaknesses for its implementation are defined from the application of techniques.

  3. General objective: aimed at providing mothers and family assistants to acquire personal, emotional and educational strategies that allow them to get involved in an effective way in the construction of a positive family dynamics and in the development of adequate parental models for children and adolescents.

  4. Program sessions: the development of the content dimensions is associated with a set of basic and fundamental transversal strategies for the acquisition of values and emotional competences, both in mothers and family assistants and in their children. These strategies are considered basic and transversal because they allow mothers and assistants to progressively orientate, according to the evolutionary stage of their children, parental actions in different fields of action, of interest both for SOS families and for society, such as for example involvement in household chores and promotion of family co-responsibility, development of healthy eating habits, prevention of drug use, promotion of study habits, prevention of school failure, and appropriate use of leisure time.

  5. Evaluation of the program: it is carried out in its three fundamental moments: 1) Initial evaluation to detect the training expectations of the participants, 2) Process evaluation, to assess the degree of adequacy of the various elements that make up the program to the dynamics of the sessions and the objectives pursued and, if necessary, to adapt them, 3) Final evaluation, to identify the degree to which the program has been able to respond to the training expectations of the participants, contributing to the development of skills and competencies for the positive exercise of their parental role.

Graph. 1 Structure of the psychoeducational program for the development of parental competencies. 

The psychoeducational program is conceived and designed based on the participation of the main actors: mothers and family assistants of SOS Children's Villages, which is the result of the research. (Graph. 1)

The introduction defines the structure of the psychoeducational program and dynamizes it as a system consisting of eight working sessions of approximately two hours each, which were not carried out consecutively, which favored the application and systematization of learning in daily life, after each session. Its structure contemplates the following sequence of actions:

The relationship between the development process of parental competencies, the professional and social performance mode of mothers and family assistants, articulated by the family problems and the social context in which their work is developed.

The stages of the process of development of parental competences in mothers and family assistants, identified in the human behavior in the family framework throughout the various cycles of family life.

The integrating, systemic and contextualized character that makes possible the transversality of the contents in the process of development of parental competences, to contribute to the interpretation and transformation of the family and ethical context, as well as the values and educational and emotional competences, in correspondence with the object of their pofession.

In the diagnostic stage for the implementation of the program, the existing strengths and weaknesses for its implementation are identified, based on the application of different techniques.

In the exploratory study of the process of development of parental competencies in mothers and family assistants of SOS Children's Villages of Equatorial Guinea, carried out in the period 2018-2019, phenomenological manifestations of a problem were found, which made it possible, as a result of the review of documents, observation of program units where mothers and assistants and the welcoming committee carry out their activities, as well as interviews with mothers and assistants, to highlight the following strengths:

  • Those responsible for this process recognize the need to develop personal and learning strategies for mothers and assistants in order to manage it effectively.

  • Weaknesses in the fulfillment of the care objectives of the Family Strengthening Program 2018 have been identified.

  • There are legal regulations for the control and monitoring of the development of parental competencies in mothers and family assistants of SOS Children's Villages through the Family Strengthening Program, as well as the guidelines of the Manual for the organization of SOS Children's Villages.

In spite of these positions, weaknesses are revealed in the process, such as:

  • Mothers and family assistants possess insufficiencies in their preparation to direct the process of development of parental competencies (PDCP), in the SOS Children's Village of Equatorial Guinea.

  • SOS mothers and family caregivers focused on traditional care lack the skills to carry out shared activities.

  • SOS mothers and family caregivers still have inadequacies in providing a protective and socializing family environment.

  • Even in the PDCP in the SOS Children's Village of Equatorial Guinea, there is insufficient control and follow-up by stages, to the development of parental competencies.

  • There are still deficiencies in the PDCP in the SOS Children's Village of Equatorial Guinea due to insufficient psychological knowledge for its solutions.

The analysis of these deficiencies leads to identify as a cause:

  • The predominance of traditional styles, which are based on the experiences of the participants in the process.

The strengths and weaknesses identified made it possible to establish the criteria for structuring the psychoeducational program, assuming that it is an activity aimed at improving the process of developing parental competencies in mothers and family assistants in SOS Children's Villages in Equatorial Guinea.

The methodology proposed for the development of the sessions is cooperative among equals, experiential, participatory, and based on group dynamics coordinated by a professional in guidance and educational intervention for family life, with training and experience in these dynamics. Through this methodology, mothers and family caregivers participate with their opinions, experiences, and points of view about the topic discussed in each session. They share their concerns and strategies, contrast them, learn from each other, release tensions and feelings of guilt and learn to perceive their family reality with a certain perspective, to relativize their points of view and to reaffirm their role as mothers.

The evaluation of the development of the psychoeducational program takes into account a set of criteria and indicators that are carried out in its three fundamental moments:

  • Initial evaluation: the attitudes and beliefs of mothers and assistants about their parental role are taken into account, as well as the assessments about the needs they would like to have answered during the program.

  • Process evaluation: assessments in each session with suggestions for improvement and comments about the effective parenting practices they are incorporating and the degree of difficulty they perceive.

  • Final evaluation: Written evaluation of each participant's program, general oral comments on the value of the program, as well as demands for repeating the program or developing other similar ones on parenting.

This will take into account the achievement of the objectives foreseen in each of the sessions, according to the improvement of the process under study, in correspondence with the stages and dimensions identified and supported in relation to the process of development of parental competencies.

Experience with the implementation of the psychoeducational program. Discussion of the results.

In order to verify the functionality of the psychoeducational program in the process of developing parental competencies, it was implemented in practice based on its structure, which contemplates the following sequence of actions, summarized in Table 1, together with the methodology and time to be allocated:

Table 1 Structure of the sessions of the Psychoeducational Program for the Development of Parental Competencies.  

It is worth mentioning that during the development of these moments, other non-formal spaces were propitiated, which were also used especially for the particularity that favors the participant observation, the group methodology was used, which can be redirected towards another of individual character to work with families that present specific needs or that are in a situation of social risk and require a more personalized intervention and from the combination with the participatory research-action methodology that was taken into account to achieve the description of the application of a first experience of implementation of the psycho-educational program.

The first session is the diagnostic phase of the program and previously included an evaluation to deepen the knowledge of the mothers and family assistants about parental competencies, using the techniques referred to at the end of the first session and a before-after evaluation or verification of parental competencies in sessions 1 and 8.

In addition, the diagnostic and formative value of the techniques used in the program was considered as a particular characteristic of the program. The following is a brief description of the fundamental techniques included in the program:

  • Diagnostic Situations: established, for the diagnosis of the styles of influence in the exercise of the parental role present in mothers and family assistants, as a starting point for self-improvement and personal development. Its diagnostic character lies in the effects of the verification of the initial state and at the same time it develops into a formative one by mobilizing the motivational springs of the participating subjects who enter into a close relationship with themselves.

  • Questionnaire of parental competencies: It is incorporated to obtain initial and final diagnostic information on the self-assessment of the participants in relation to typical situations in the management of parental competencies. It was taken from Martínez González,19 and reelaborated according to the parental competencies for the present research without affecting its initial purposes.

  • Sociodrama: Used to model situations where the participants show typical forms of their behavior, as close as possible to the way they behave in real situations and allow them to get involved in an effective way in the construction of a positive family coexistence dynamic and in the development of adequate parental models for children and adolescents.

  • Role Play: More related to the learning phase, in relation to specific situations.

These last two techniques have formative value, they help in the promotion of the desired changes, to train the development of parental skills, as well as to adopt and value different perspectives of the family dynamics. They also allow to make positions more flexible through the exchange of roles.

In the proposed program, in all cases of Sociodrama and Role Play, observation guides were used, indicating the main aspects to which the participants' attention should be directed for subsequent discussion. These guides made it possible to obtain information on the effective appropriation of the same and to determine the level of competence of each participant.

Presentation, activation and closing techniques were also included, which were used depending on the group dynamics.

When performing the graphical evaluation of the normality assumption (Graph. 2) and (Table 2), for the difference of the four quads (Table 2), it was possible to obtain information on the effective appropriation of the same and to determine in which level of competence each participant was located.

When performing the graphical evaluation of the normality assumption (Graph. 2) and (Table 2), for the difference of the four dimensions studied, which integrate the parental competencies such as: Attachment Capacity, Empathic Capacity, Parenting Models and the Capacity to use social networks and community resources, according to the results, both graphically and through the Shapiro-Wilk test, it was possible to verify that there is no statistically significant evidence to discard the normal distribution in the values of the differences of the four dimensions studied. Therefore, the Student's t-test for paired samples was performed.

Graph. 2 Graphical evaluation of the normality assumption for the difference of the four dimensions studied. 

Table 2 Shapiro-Wilk test according to the dimensions evaluated. 

Normality tests
Dimensions Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic gl Sig.
Attachment capacity 0,914 16 0,137
Empathic capacity 0,908 16 0,109
Parenting models 0,900 16 0,080
Ability to use social networks and community resources 0,964 16 0,727

After the intervention, there were improvements in the four dimensions worked on in the program. The overall improvement was 100 % in all dimensions (p<0,000). The ability to use social networks and community resources are the variables with the best results with a 50 % improvement in their score, followed by the ability to attach with 43,3 %. There was correspondence in terms of the positive effects and improvement of parental competencies.19

In the author's opinion, the fact that the participants in the program show better results in the capacity to use social networks and community resources may be due to the fact that the organization's principles include promoting not only support and contact with biological families when this was the child's wish, but also in the process of integration with the community environment.

Parental capacities are shaped by the articulation of biological and hereditary factors and their interaction with the life experiences and the socio-cultural context of development of the parents or caregivers of a child. Good parenting depends to a large extent on an emotional experience that generates a secure attachment and a capacity for empathy between parents and children. Attachment and empathy are fundamental components of parenting and good intrafamily treatment.6

Regarding the topics worked on in the program, as shown in Table 3, 100 % of the participants were very satisfied and satisfied with the initial information of the program, its contents, the social environment achieved and with the fulfillment of the program's expectations; the greatest dissatisfaction was related to the time dedicated to each session (31,2 %).

Table 3 Participants' satisfaction with different aspects of the program. 

Program Aspects Very Satisfied % Satisfied % Dissatisfied %
Initial Information 7 43,7 9 56,2 0 0
Program contents 10 62,5 6 37,5 0 0
Small group work 3 18,7 12 75 1 6,25
Time dedicated to each session 1 6,2 10 62,5 5 31,25
Resources 5 31,2 9 56,2 2 12,5
Social Environment 11 68,7 5 31,2 0 0
Expectations with the program 12 75 4 25 0 0

The study showed that the topics they consider most interesting are problem solving, assertiveness and attention needs, and the least interesting are the evolutionary stage and the organization of daily life. The topics considered most difficult were negotiation, discipline and conflict resolution. There were points of agreement in our research regarding interesting topics such as problem solving and assertiveness, as well as difficult topics such as discipline.

The need to evaluate the effectiveness of the program for the development of parental competencies, beyond the numerical data, led to delve into the significant moments of the group sessions, in the dynamics of the changes evidenced by the SOS mothers and family assistants, and specifically in the parental competencies variable before and after the application of the program, all of which allowed an approximation to the learning process and optimization of the behavior achieved in each case.


In order to implement the integration of the dimensions in the development process of parental competencies in mothers and family assistants of SOS Children's Villages in Equatorial Guinea, a psychoeducational program was structured that conceives a system of actions that, through eight intervention sessions, dynamizes strategic actions, values and specific competencies that are addressed in each session. The validation of the program with its sequenced, flexible, adaptive, personalized and progressive character, based on the systematization and integration of the contents in the development of parental competencies, has made it possible to respond to the training expectations of the participants, contributing to the development of skills and competencies for the positive exercise of their parental role.


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The author did not receive funding for the development of this research

Additional material

Additional material to this article can be consulted in its electronic version available at: www.revcmpinar.sld.cu/index.php/publicaciones/rt/suppFiles/5458

Received: February 03, 2022; Accepted: January 23, 2023

*Corresponding author: orestesluis68@infomed.sld.cu

The author declares that there is no conflict of interest

was responsible for conceptualization, research, project management, supervision, visualization, writing - original draft, writing - revision and editing.

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