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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3194


CUELLO-FREIRE, Guadalupe; GOMEZ-MARTINEZ, Nairovys  e  DONOSO-NORONA, Riber Fabian. Presence of risk factors for major geriatric syndromes in older adults who attend the Mariscal Sucre Health Center. Rev Ciencias Médicas [online]. 2023, vol.27, suppl.1  Epub 01-Jul-2023. ISSN 1561-3194.

ABSTRACT Introduction: population aging constitutes a challenge for health systems of which Ecuador is no stranger. Objective: to identify the risk factors of major geriatric syndromes present in older adults who attend the Mariscal Sucre Health Center. Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study in older adults who attend the Mariscal Sucre Health Center between July and December 2022. The sample consisted of 48 patients. Downton scales, Barthel index, ICIQ-SF and SPMSQ Pfeiffer scale were used. Results: a predominance of female patients (62,50 %), aged between 65 and 69 years (70,08 %), was found. 93,75 % of the patients consumed some medication, 83,33 % had previous falls, 50 % were dependent or required help to go up and down the stairs and 45,83 % to perform personal hygiene or bathe. 60,41 % lose urine several times a day and 18,75 % exhibited a maximum affectation of the development of daily activities. 89,58 % of the older adults were not able to identify the time of day and the date. Conclusions: in the elderly at the Mariscal Sucre Health Center, risk factors for major geriatric syndromes were identified, with the highest incidence being medication use, previous falls, dependence to carry out activities of daily living and self-care, urinary incontinence, and disorientation in terms of time.


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