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Revista Médica Electrónica

versão On-line ISSN 1684-1824


MAYOR PUERTA, Ana Margarita; SANCHEZ ALVAREZ, María de Lourdes  e  TAMAYO MAYOR, Ana Beatriz. System of actions to prevent neurotoxoplasmosis in persons with HIV and AIDS. Rev. Med. Electrón. [online]. 2013, vol.35, n.4, pp. 340-350. ISSN 1684-1824.

Neurotoxoplasmosis is associated to immunodeficiency and it expresses mainly in persons with HIV and AIDS; it is the opportunistic infection that more frequently affects the nervous system in inmunodepressed persons so any approach to its prevention from the methodology of pairs allows decreasing risks and damages. We developed a system of actions for preventing neurotoxoplasmosis in persons with HIV and AIDS. We describe the capacitation of trainers which began with the diagnosis of attitudes based in knowledge and practices indicating the risk perception of the Toxoplasma gondii infection. Persons with HIV formed as trainers have positive attitudes for recognizing the risk of neurotoxoplasmosis as opportunistic disease and being ready to multiply knowledge because they acted as pair educators. The implementation of the three first stages of the action system by volunteers professionalized in the theme facilitates the health professionals’ actions in the way for the secondary and tertiary prevention. The purpose of developing a system of actions for the neurotoxoplasmosis primary prevention, early detection and opportune treatment in persons with HIV and AIDS was achieved through representers of the mutual help teams of the country.  Identifying attitudes toward neurotoxoplasmosis as opportunistic disease in persons with HIV and AIDS was of great value, as it makes easy the way to the secondary prevention through the specific therapeutic.

Palavras-chave : neurotoxoplasmosis; system of actions; capacitation of the trainers.

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