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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación

versão On-line ISSN 1726-6718


FUENTES DIAZ, Zaily  e  SALAZAR DIEZ, Mabel. Considerations of prediction models in the preoperative assessment of a non cardiac elective patient. Rev cuba anestesiol reanim [online]. 2013, vol.12, n.2, pp. 116-128. ISSN 1726-6718.

Background: preoperative assessment in non cardiac elective surgery is the protocol oriented towards the optimization of anesthesia strategy according to the own characteristics of the patient. Objective:to characterize the quality of the preoperative prediction models in a patient proposed for non cardiac elective surgery. Methods: a systematic, qualitative study was conducted through a search of MedLine and Pubmed during the period from January 1990 to January 2012 with a validated search strategy that restricts research to the analysis of published randomized studies. Development: more than half of long-term deaths in surgical patients are attributable to cardiac events; so, up to the moment, in trying to optimize preoperative assessment of surgical patients, different scales, protocols, tools, instruments and proposed rates are applied for determining surgical risk, which is difficult, because our means are different from the ones of the creators that can compare them with other measuring instruments which are more clinical and less expensive. This recommendation is based on prediction models for current assessment. Conclusions: the need to use comprehensive prediction tools was determined, not as a purpose, but as a means of obtaining a systemic approach to risk in the non cardiac elective surgical patient.

Palavras-chave : Preoperative; anesthesia; surgery.

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