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vol.12 número3Analgesia preventiva con drogas antiinflamatorias no esteroideas en procedimientos quirúrgicos abdominales de urgenciaRevisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis en la práctica clínica: una aproximación al tema índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación

versão On-line ISSN 1726-6718


GARCIA GARCIA, Edwin. Transfusional standards in the surgical patient. Rev cuba anestesiol reanim [online]. 2013, vol.12, n.3, pp. 231-243. ISSN 1726-6718.

Introduction: with the objective of promoting blood safety, the World Health Organization develops strategies to reduce unnecessary transfusions through the appropriate clinical use of blood. Different scientific societies sponsor clinical practice guides about transfusion indications. Objective: to deepen into the knowledge about the basic principles for the proper use of blood and its components that is linked to surgical patient care. Development: surgical patients are high blood transfusion consumers. In spite of the existence of clinical guides, unnecessary transfusions are used and there is a great variability of criteria to determine the need for transfusion, which are often complex and of difficult application. The use of the different blood components must be guided by transfusional policies and guidelines. The fulfillment of protocols and the existence of clinical guides for their proper use will indeed help to reduce unnecessary transfusions and the great variability in the criteria to decide the biological drug administration that should be based on clinical parameters and complementary examinations. Conclusions: after reviewing different transfusional guideline proposals made by specialists linked to blood transfusion and especially, the ones belonging to our National Blood Commission (ABC of Transfusion Medicine: Clinical Guidelines), it is intended to contribute modestly to deepen into the knowledge about the basic principles for the proper use of blood and its components that everyone involved in the surgical patient care should have.

Palavras-chave : transfusional guidelines; surgical patient.

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