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Humanidades Médicas

versão On-line ISSN 1727-8120


VILLAR VALDES, Rosendo de Jesús  e  MACIAS LLANES, Maria Elena. Visual health and society: changes developed in the ophthalmology specialist training. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2007, vol.7, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1727-8120.

This work was presented in I SAW it Day of Consulting Professors of the Superior Institute of Medical Sciences of the Havana. Authorize Enrique Goatherd, December 14 2006. The "Mission Miracle" it has generated wide demands of the quality for the formation of specialists for the attainment of excellence services, dedicated to the population that requires actions guided to the Visual Health. Therefore, next to the enormous social impact that this takes place, it has also revolutionized the docencia in pre and graduate degree of the specialty of Ophthalmology. The objective of this work is to argue the focus of the Visual Health as theoretical sustenance for the changes in the specialist's formation in ophthalmology. The future development of the Ophthalmology like non alone excellence service tries to locate the teams of the highest technique and personnel's training specialized in the use of the same ones, he/she should get himself especially the attention to the preventive focus, to the appropriate correlation among technologies of diagnostic and surgical and those of social character. It is in the community where he/she is carried out the primary diagnosis of the visual illnesses, but also the rehabilitation processes and the patients' pursuit (Dispensarización). it is necessary the social focus of the Visual Health in the community; considering the health like a social, dynamic process, multifactorial and in constant development, generating potentialities of the social organism in the fundamental objective of reaching the quality of prospective life


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