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Humanidades Médicas

versão On-line ISSN 1727-8120


GARRIDO PEREZ, María de los Angeles  e  BARBARA GIL GARCIA, Xiomara. Characterization of the psychosocial needs of oncological terminal patients. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2012, vol.12, n.2, pp. 203-216. ISSN 1727-8120.

Introduction: Despite the development reached in the field of medicine, degenerative and malignant chronic diseases have increased, and with them, the number of terminal patients. The main objective of this work was to identify the psychosocial needs of the oncological terminal patients that had been hospitalized in 2011, at José Martí polyclinic in the municipality of Camagüey. Materials and methods: 50 patients were surveyed, in order to analyze the way they behave and communicate as sick people with doctors and their family; also the patient’s level of satisfaction with regard to the medical treatment, family company, and the assistance given by the medical team. The obtained data was computerized using methods of descriptive statistics, which were exposed in charts. Results and discussion: As a result, it was found out that 90% of the patients don’t talk too much about their disease with their doctor; and 84% of the terminal patients don’t say much to their family about the disease and its complications. 100% of the patients felt satisfied with the received assistance. 100% of those polled categorize of good the relation between the members of the palliative care team. Conclusions: Even though some aspects of the psychosocial welfare of these patients are satisfactory, there are others that require a better approach from the patients and the medical personnel point of view.

Palavras-chave : Terminal patient; psychosocial needs; palliative care.

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