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Humanidades Médicas

versão On-line ISSN 1727-8120


ROLDAN SOLER, Yuleidy Anier; FALCON FARINAS, Irma Niurka; BORGES TORRES, Osana  e  CABALLERO GIRALDO, Olga Lilia. Diagnosis of psychotherapeutic care for addicted patients admitted to the Provincial Pediatric Hospital of Camagüey. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2021, vol.21, n.2, pp. 347-362.  Epub 28-Ago-2021. ISSN 1727-8120.

Drugs are currently considered a social problem. Adolescents are one of the most vulnerable groups to their use. The objective of the work was to diagnose the main weaknesses in the treatment of the patient admitted for drug use at the Pediatric Hospital of Camagüey. The quantitative methodology was used through theoretical and empirical methods. We worked with a total of 30 employees, 16 patients admitted during the evaluated period, as well as 16 family members. The total sample consisted of 62 people. The results obtained in the diagnosis made showed that there are limitations in the comprehensive care of adolescents admitted for drug use. The most important signs found focused on achieving patient commitment and the need to create an action protocol with previously defined topics.

Palavras-chave : Adolescents; drug use; action protocol.

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