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Humanidades Médicas

versão On-line ISSN 1727-8120


MIRABAL NAPOLES, Marjories; CARVAJAL HERNANDEZ, Bárbara María; SOLER HERRERA, Mayelín  e  BUJARDON MENDOZA, Alberto. Historical trend analysis of the formation process of the investigative component in the Medicine career. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2022, vol.22, n.2, pp. 361-385.  Epub 14-Jun-2022. ISSN 1727-8120.


given the growing complexity of the health problems of the population, it is essential to improve the research component in future doctors to take on this challenge and act in correspondence with the context.


to refer to the trends that has characterized the training process of the research component in the Medicine career.


a qualitative research with a historical approach was carried out, based on the documentary review, the chronological sub-method and the use of key informants, as predominant methods to develop the objective of this study.


the theoretical systematization carried out made it possible to determine the historical-pedagogical milestones to describe the assumed indicators, their progress in each of the stages and elucidate the trends that have characterized said process.


the formation process of the investigative component in the Medicine career has been on the rise with the improvement of the study plans and programs. However, insufficiencies still persist, given, among other factors, by the unsuccessful projection from the basic biomedical sciences, to communicate the results of the student's research activity, with the use of available technologies in correspondence with the context.

Palavras-chave : Medical Career; investigative training; investigative component.

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