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versão On-line ISSN 1727-897X


ESTEPA PEREZ, Jorge; BECERRA TERóN, Gustavo  e  SANTANA PEDRAZA, Tahiluma. Spontaneous Resolution for a Giant Pancreatic Pseudocyst. A Case Report. Medisur [online]. 2011, vol.9, n.3, pp. 295-299. ISSN 1727-897X.

The case of a 37 years old female patient who attended to the emergency room of the General University Hospital "Dr. Gustavo Lima Aldereguía" because of icterus, pruritus and fatty foods intolerance is presented. The patient was admitted in the internal medicine room in order to undergo a study for obstructive icterus. The physical examination was negative for icterus and abdomen. Then, she was transferred to the surgery room. She presented the same symptoms and an increased higher abdomen volume. Dye from icterus remained and a 10 cm tumour was palpable in the higher abdomen. The tumour caused pain and had regular edges. Abdominal ultrasonography showed a clear walled image with cystic appearance of 104 X 40 mm. The mass was posterior to liver and anterior to pancreas. In a simple and contrasted abdominal computed tomography the following features were observed: hypodense lesion of 10 x 6 cm., liquid (density =10 HU) in contact with the left hepatic lobe and the stomach, downwards growth reaching mesogastrio area, well-defined contours and thin walls. The diagnosis of a giant pancreatic pseudocyst was concluded. The complexity of the condition and the impact on the overall condition of the patient delayed the treatment for the pseudocyst, which was spontaneously drained in its natural evolution with no complications or injury recurrence.

Palavras-chave : pancreatic pseudocyst.

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