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versão On-line ISSN 1727-897X


NARANJO DOMINGUEZ, Adrián et al. Percutaneous coronary intervention in the failure of myocardial revascularization surgery. Regarding with a case. Medisur [online]. 2019, vol.17, n.2, pp. 270-277. ISSN 1727-897X.

The number of coronary procedures in patients, who have suffered myocardial revascularization, increases as time passes by as a result a higher life expectancy. Repeating a myocardial revascularization procedure, either as a surgery or as an intervention is noticeably different. The high risk profile, added to the technical complexity demanded and the complex coronary structure and graft degeneration makes the procedure a challenge. A case of a 60 year old woman is presented with antecedent of hypertension and a type 2 diabetes mellitus of a 25 and 10 years progress respectively who underwent a coronary revascularization with early and late failure of graft.

Palavras-chave : coronary; myocardial; revascularization; case reports.

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