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versão On-line ISSN 1814-151X


PEREZ-MARTINEZ, Dayamí; INFANTE-RICARDO, Ada Iris  e  CERVANTES-HINOJOSA, Nurys. Dimensions for the study of professional orientation in the major Bachelor of Education: Physics. Luz [online]. 2022, vol.21, n.4, pp. 110-124.  Epub 15-Dez-2022. ISSN 1814-151X.

An epistemological analysis of the initial training process in the major Bachelor of Education: Physics was carried out, which revealed theoretical deficiencies in the attention given to the guiding role of the students belonging to the major. The objective of this work is to propose dimensions to characterize the professional pedagogical orientation so as to prepare the students to carry out the orientation during their professional performance. Research combining quantitative and qualitative paradigms was conducted, using different research methods. From a population of 21 students of the aforementioned major, a sample of 13 students (61.90%) was taken, from the students of the first academic year of the full-time course of the University of Holguín. The results made it possible to characterize the professional orientation process and to determine the dimensions in specific areas of the professional orientation theory as formative content of the initial training. These dimensions allow the development of a procedure that favors the professional pedagogical orientation towards Physics at the secondary level.

Palavras-chave : Physics education; Physics teacher training; Professional pedagogical orientation; Dimensions of professional orientation.

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