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vol.22 número3Método da sala de aula invertida para a formação de metacompetências profissionais em estudantes universitários com base na aprendizado híbrido (bLearning)A educação ambiental dos alunos do ensino fundamental médio do Equador com base em projetos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1814-151X


MUSTELIER-DIAZ, Rosa; ALBEAR-BLANCO, Cándida  e  GONZALEZ-BOULY, Yairelis. A path for the enriching of the vocabulary in 9th grade. Luz [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.3, pp. 124-132.  Epub 15-Set-2023. ISSN 1814-151X.

Through the novel proposal presented in the present work, the lexicon of 9th grade students is enriched. Theoretical and methodological aspects in the philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical (didactic-methodological) areas related to the usage of vocabulary in the teaching-learning process of the Spanish-Literature subject were taken as references. The proposal is materialized through teaching activities for the enrichment of the vocabulary of 9th grade students, which is why the necessary process and methodological guidelines are offered based on the development of language skills.

Palavras-chave : methodological alternative; usage; extracurricular reading.

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