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Ingeniería Energética

versão On-line ISSN 1815-5901


OSORIO LAURENCIO, Liomnis  e  MONTERO LAURENCIO, Reineris. Energetic analysis of a photovoltaic system integrated to a horizontal flatrooftop. Energética [online]. 2016, vol.37, n.1, pp. 45-54. ISSN 1815-5901.

In this research the energy performance of a photovoltaic system based on amorphous silicon is analyzed. It is integrated to the flat horizontal rooftop of Teaching Building # 2 of the Metallurgical Mining Institute of Moa. With the PVsyst software annual electricity production of 3 kWp system connected to grid, as well as losses shadows, wiring, power electronics, also, tilt angle and the effect of irradiance and temperature were determined. The characteristic parameters of the installation, useful were calculated to establish monthly planning profiles for electrical consumption. The results showed that the annual energy generated is equivalent to the electricity consumption of the Institute for two days and also an alternative for generation energy from the use of space available on rooftops of teaching and administrative areas.

Palavras-chave : building integrated photovoltaic; horizontal rooftop; amorphous silicon; PVsyst.

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