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Ingeniería Electrónica, Automática y Comunicaciones

versão On-line ISSN 1815-5928


RODRIGUEZ TRUJILLO, Damián Ernesto; ANIAS CALDERON, Caridad Emma  e  GAMEZ PICO, Liz. Integrated Management System for LAN switches using the SNMP protocol. EAC [online]. 2022, vol.43, n.3, pp. 1-14.  Epub 14-Fev-2023. ISSN 1815-5928.

The vertiginous technological development and increasing evolutionary rhythm of current networks make management vital. However, the existence of heterogeneous management derived from the heterogeneity of telecommunications networks causes, among other things, inefficiencies and increased cost of network operation. Some of the problems of heterogeneous management are: the need to have trained personnel to operate each of the proprietary management systems corresponding to technologies and equipment from different manufacturers, to work with different management protocols and to deal with the diversity and incompatibility of data that they carry. to inconsistency and even possible duplication of management information. This article presents the design and implementation of an Integrated Management System for local area network (LAN) switches using the SNMP protocol. Features of the SNMP protocol, Remote Monitoring MIB (RMON), and LAN switch management are briefly reviewed. For the design of the system, requirements were taken into account that considered the current needs of integrated management in the operating companies of telecommunications services. The programming was done using the Python language and was divided into several modules: user access and administration; LAN switch inventory and management; statistics, events and alarms; and diagnostic functions. Its validation was carried out by implementing the system in a small test scenario in the network of a public operator of telecommunications services, obtaining satisfactory results.

Palavras-chave : Integrated management of networks; SNMP; LAN switches; management systems.

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