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Ingeniería Industrial

versão On-line ISSN 1815-5936


RODRIGUEZ-HERNANDEZ, Aida G.; CASARES-LI, Reicelis; VINA -BRITO, Silvio Juan  e  RODRIGUEZ-ABRIL, Olivia. Design of aids to knowledge worker. Ing. Ind. [online]. 2015, vol.36, n.2, pp. 118-125. ISSN 1815-5936.

In this article is presents a method to investigate the software requirements to be satisfied in the design of an informatics tool, to give effective support to the knowledge of the user who executes a complex job of assigning and scheduling of work and rest. The procedure was broken down into 10 stages, was applied in two workshops by two teams of experienced engineers. It was trained an equal number of people without experience, and were given to them a similar task. To assess the knowledge work intensity (KWI) who sued each stage to each of the four teams, and a taxonomy of human error was applied to characterize the errors at each stage. It was proven the efficacy of the KWI and the human error taxonomy for the detection of needs of aid to the design according to knowledge worker, and in the designing of ergonomic aids to minimize errors at each stage

Palavras-chave : knowledge worker; aids design; knowledge work intensity; human error; ergonomics; software requirement.

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