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Ingeniería Mecánica

versão On-line ISSN 1815-5944


TORRES - VALLE, Antonio. Hazardous configurations control in risk related facilities. Ingeniería Mecánica [online]. 2010, vol.13, n.2, pp. 13-21. ISSN 1815-5944.

The hazardous configurations control in risk related facilities is an application of the previous Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA). A more complete option is the risk monitoring for the on-line detection of these configurations. The expert personnel are required for this task take into account the complexity of the PSA and risk monitor. The paper presents a method of configuration control, based on dependence matrixes. The algorithm is included in a computer code called CONFIGURACION, to determine these situations in a qualitative way, without previous PSA results or using a Risk Monitor. The simplicity of the method warrants its application to facilities where these tools have not been developed, allowing that way, the detection of hazardous configurations during the exploitation and increasing the safety of the plants. One similar configuration control system helps the operation of nuclear power plant Embalse. The paper presents the use of algorithm beginning from the analysis of the simplified safety system.

Palavras-chave : configuration control; probabilistic safety analysis (PSA); dependences matrix; PSA applications; risk monitor.

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