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Ingeniería Mecánica

versão On-line ISSN 1815-5944


PEREZ-ZAPICO, Eriel; DUFFUS-SCOTT, Alejandro; GOMEZ-PEREZ, Carlos René  e  SANTO-CASTILLO, Freddy. Defects in weld observation and quantification through digital thermographic images processing. Ingeniería Mecánica [online]. 2013, vol.16, n.3, pp. 246-256. ISSN 1815-5944.

The objective of this paper was the observation and quantification through the digital thermographic images processing of defect in welds, the active thermography method with a conduction heat and cooling in natural air system means. Two structural steel welded specimens with internal discontinuities were tested; the infrarred camera was placed perpendicular to the specimens and was obtained the images during the cooling. The infrared images digital processing algorithm was based on the conversion of the images to scale of gray, filters and morphological operations application for quantification the defects. Pores, slag inclusions and lack of fusion were observed and geometric longitude and perimeter were too. The method was confronted by means technique of x-ray inspection, appreciating an inferior error to 3,4%. This technique could be used preevaluation to qualify welding procedures and welders.

Palavras-chave : active thermography; welding defects; digitals process.

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