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Ingeniería Mecánica

versão On-line ISSN 1815-5944


GONZALEZ-CABRERA, Odonel et al. Alternative of double coating for electrode dedicated to the manual metal arc filler process. Ingeniería Mecánica [online]. 2014, vol.17, n.3, pp. 245-254. ISSN 1815-5944.

The object of the present paper was to establish differences among one and twin coating electrodes dedicated to the manual filler process. The resulting relationship among the coating materials are established in 70 % of non-metallic compound and 30 % of alloy for each electrode type. For execute the work objective, two conventional procedures (immersion and extrusion) for manufacturing electrodes, as well as the influence of coating placement on the electrodes operational properties was evaluated. As result of experiment was obtained a twin coated electrode whish consume a 4,8 % less than power during the welding that one layer electrode (more economic), but with bigger quantity (27 %) of metal contributed by unit of time (bigger yield), less height of reinforcement (19,9 %) and greater depth of penetration (46,5 %).

Palavras-chave : double covered electrodes; twin-coated electrodes; manual filler arc.

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