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Ingeniería Mecánica

versão On-line ISSN 1815-5944


RIBEIRO-MUHONGO, Valente; ARZOLA-RUIZ, José; GARCIA-MARRERO, Luis Enrique  e  OLIVA-MERENCIO, Deny. Mathematical modeling for optimal selection of energetic installations and it solution scheme. Ingeniería Mecánica [online]. 2019, vol.22, n.1, pp. 23-31. ISSN 1815-5944.

The objective of this work was to select the required equipment among the set of available, to satisfy the energy demand of a territory, optimizing a commitment between investment and operation costs and polluting to the atmosphere emissions. For the solution of the problem, a decomposition scheme that include a multiple criteria linear programming task, at the higher level, and integer programming optimization subtasks at the lower level is applied. For solving the last ones an algorithm of the Integration of Variables methods applied. These tasks are solved using the real data from the municipality of Ganda, Benguela, Angola, determining the basic facilities, among the available, that should be acquired and in the areas of the territory where each installation should be installed. It was demonstrated that the problem of optimal selection of energy equipment in isolated regions can be solved by the methods used.

Palavras-chave : engineering systems; energization of territories; selection of energy facilities.

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