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vol.15 número4La asimilación consciente de conceptos estadísticos. Especialidad Contabilidad del Centro Politécnico “Frank País García”Modelo para la autoevaluación de la calidad del proceso de formación de profesionales índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 1815-7696


RODRIGUEZ FUENTES, Sailí  e  BREIJO WOROSZ, Taimy. Strategy for development modes competent performance in teachers qualified alternative. Rev. Mendive [online]. 2017, vol.15, n.4, pp. 480-491. ISSN 1815-7696.

Introduction: the process of professionalization of the educational one is a thematic of contemporary joint that is debated and he/she investigates for investigators from dissimilar edges. Objective: to contribute the process of the enabled professors' of the Technical Education professionalization and Professional by means of a pedagogic strategy. Materials and methods: It is used as general method the dialectical one materialistic, when allowing the study of the object like a process, the determination of their components, as well as their contradictions. theoretical methods: the historical and logical to deepen in the regularities and qualities of the reality in the polytechnic centers. Essential empiric methods were used: the documental analysis that included the professional's pattern; study plans, to obtain authentic and reliable information for the investigation, the interviews to students with the purpose of analyzing the manifestations of the process of the students' professionalization and the address of the process for the educational ones, the observation of educational activities allowed to diagnose the object, the demonstration of the problem, as well as to verify the results of the practice of the strategy to implement. Results: it is designed and it implements a pedagogic strategy to perfect the competent ways of professional performance in the enabled professors. Conclusions: it was contributed to the improvement of the professionalization process in favor of the competent ways of professional performance.

Palavras-chave : strategy; competent ways of professional performance; professionalization; enabled professor.

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