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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 1815-7696


PAEZ PAREDES, Meivys; GILIMAS SILES, Alicia María; DIAZ DOMINGUEZ, Teresa de la Caridad  e  BREIJO WOROSZ, Taymí. The methodological work, a look from the postgraduate programs academics. Rev. Mendive [online]. 2019, vol.17, n.4, pp. 549-564.  Epub 02-Dez-2019. ISSN 1815-7696.

ABSTRACT Thearticledealswithananalysisthatallowstodemonstratefromthepedagogicalfoundations of the pedagogical and didactic relationships of the postgraduate academic programs, their modalities, as well as the methodological work and the characteristics and roles of the teachers that participate in it, like wise it is particularized in the necessary overcoming in Sciences of the Education that makes possible the conformation of a profile of competitions that can professionalize to the educational teacher in the area of the education. The work is aimed at optimizing the quality and relevance of methodological work in its two dimensions: teaching and scientific, to seek solutions that from the management with pedagogical and didactic approach allow the employment of the shortest time of the university graduates who enroll the graduate with the consequent process of increasing productivity at work and a better social impact with a transforming character of the training process, which in turn are carried out as teachers in practice by future graduates of this type of program

Palavras-chave : methodological work; pedagogical and didactic management; training process.

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