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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 1815-7696


FIGUEREDO FIGUEREDO, Ana Luisa; MARTINEZ ROSELLO, Mariela María  e  PEREZ ROSABAL, Rebeca. Knowledge management through the use of teaching literature. Rev. Mendive [online]. 2020, vol.18, n.2, pp. 266-287.  Epub 02-Jun-2020. ISSN 1815-7696.

For this 21st century, within the framework of the Information and Knowledge Society, Cuban Higher Education faces the challenge of training more prepared professionals, in which the acquisition of skills and tools that play a decisive role-plays a determining role to the application of solid knowledge in each of the scenarios of society. The development achieved has allowed the increase of information at an uncontrollable pace and although it has had a strong impact in the diversification of information, in the flow of information and in the transmission of knowledge, it has also had its limitations in terms of being able to carry to the university student that pertinent information that taxes their professional training. Taking into account the above, it is proposed as the objective of the research, to develop a procedure for the management of teaching literature in the training process of the undergraduate professional of the Forest Engineering Career. They were applied theoretical methods (historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, analysis and criticism of sources), empirical (survey, interview, scientific-participatory observation) and statistical (descriptive statistics). The study reveals the relevance of the proposed procedure, taking into account the obvious need to solve a group of limitations that prevent the efficient use of documentary information sources in the process of initial professional training.

Palavras-chave : management; teaching literature; professional training process.

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