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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 1815-7696

Rev. Mendive vol.18 no.4 Pinar del Río oct.-dez. 2020  Epub 02-Dez-2020


Original article

Management of the process of change of higher teaching category at the University of Pinar del Rio

0000-0002-7113-8002Eric López Rodríguez1  *  , 0000-0003-4285-682XTania Vargas Fernández1 

1 Universidad de Pinar del Río “Hermanos Saíz Monte de Oca”. Cuba


The University of Pinar del Rio "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca" contributes to satisfying the training needs of higher level professionals and their continuous improvement from the direction and planning of the different changes of category of the professors in the sciences studied in it, from the integration of the substantive and support processes that guarantee a competent graduate, committed to the Revolution and with an integral culture, as well as the generation and implementation of scientific-technical results that impact the socioeconomic development of the territory and country. Despite the fact that, from the Ministry of Higher Education, what should be done in terms of changing the higher teaching category is lacking, in it, there is no proper mechanism that allows the process to be developed efficiently and effectively. For this reason, the purpose of this work is to present a procedure for the management of the process of change of higher teaching category based on the training and development system, which contributes to the improvement of the capacities of cadres, teachers and technicians and specialists. , in this sense, based on the level of training and development achieved by university professors. The method of logical historical theoretical level was used with the support of the documentary analysis technique, fundamentally in the study of various experiences and regulations that served as theoretical-methodological references for the proposal made. The procedure is made up of seven stages, which have led to an increase in the level of professionalism of the university teacher.

Key words: procedure; management; teaching category; higher education


In recent years, human resources management has gone from being a personnel administration to a comprehensive management in which the center of interest is the human factor and in which all procedures are totally related to processes. It considered precise with an emphasis on horizontal management, in which the various functional units cross their barriers and unifies their approaches towards the main goals of the organization; these processes must be managed as a system by designing and understanding a network of processes and their interactions.

The Integrated Management System for Human Capital (SGICH) constitutes a fundamental pillar in the current national and international business environment, responding to the objectives, goals, responsibilities and problems that companies must solve. There is a system for itself, but an instrument for achieving integration with other systems, organization and operation to enable companies to obtain the expected results, so it is important to shape and properly implement all procedures, techniques and methods used in it, in order to achieve a desired level of efficiency and effectiveness. Its design is the responsibility of the company and should take into account the individual technical and productive characteristics in it.

The training and development subsystem is one of the modules that make up the SGICH, being it essential for any entity, since it can be said that man is the center of every entity and its interrelation with the environment that surrounds it and its characteristics in general depends on the success of any organization. As part of this subsystem, in the University it is the process of higher category change for teachers, of vital importance in the universities to achieve competitiveness and excellence in the faculty and in the processes that are executed in general.

The work shown below took place at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", an entity that does not have a regulated procedure for the process of changing of higher teaching category.

There are many the concepts addressed by the authors who study issues related to human resources, among which are process, management, human resources, management of human resources, organization of work, among others, also legislation related to the subject addressed such as the labor Code and its regulations, Resolution 85/2016 Regulations for implementing the teaching categories in higher education, recruitment procedure for the (Ministry of Higher Education (MES), 2016)of the part time Professor.

According to Vilcarromero (2015), management it is the action of managing and administering a professional activity destined to establish the objectives and means for its realization, to specify the organization of systems, in order to elaborate the development strategy and to execute the personnel management.

In Cuba, the investigations on the subject have not been frequent, carried out fundamentally by the Centers of Studies of Higher Education; It standsFat (2011), aimed at systematizing teaching experience on the formation of the university professor, teaching activities aimed at changing class teacher at the Municipal University Centers (CUM), strategies for improving the management of the process of teaching categorization and for pedagogical training, always linked to the teaching categories, aimed at systematizing pedagogical experience on the training of the university teacher, didactic actions aimed at changing the teaching category in the CUM, strategies for the improvement of the management of the teaching categorization process and for pedagogical training, always linked to the teaching categories(Gómez Estévez, I., 2015).

The Human Resources Management (HRM) refers to the term Human Capital Management (GCH), which is based on the definition of strategies, policies, procedures, implementation of HR practices, effectiveness indicators and principles which have as objective to achieve the full identification of individuals with the organization, establishing favorable links between them.

The subsystems that are most related to the process of changing the teaching category in the university environment, either because they constitute results or outputs of it or because they are an indispensable part of the process itself are: performance evaluation, training and development, work organization, selection and integration, moral and material stimulation and as the guiding nucleus of all of them, labor competencies.

When evaluating performance, the organization obtains information for decision making, because if performance is lower than expected, corrective actions must be taken; and if performance is satisfactory, it should be encouraged.

The strategic management of human resources, according toSantos, CA. (2016), consists of the set of decisions and directive actions in the organizational field that influence people, who seek continuous improvement, during the planning, implementation and control of the organizational strategies, taking into account interactions with the environment.

The overcoming of the university professor, constitutes a premise and indispensable condition to broaden, deepen and perfect a culture of excellence, to scientifically direct and with quality the teaching-learning process, but for this a categorization is required at its height and that responds to the demands of the current Cuban University and the proposed social order(Madrazo Lomba, Ana V., 2014).

The objective of this paper is to present a procedure for the management of the process of change of higher teaching category at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", which contributes to the continuous improvement of the quality of the professional in higher education.

Materials and methods

In the development of the research, the theoretical level methods were used: logical historical, systemic and modeling, with the support of document analysis techniques and analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction procedures. All this supported by the materialist - dialectical method.

The main contributions and limitations of models, systems and methodologies that precede the one proposed in the work were determined and with the use of the systemic and modeling method, the procedure for managing the process of change of higher teaching category at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca" was proposed which contributes to the continuous improvement of the quality of the professional in higher education.

Tools and techniques were used as the interview, survey, document review and analysis, to determine the main causes that hinder the process of change of senior faculty, as well as the level of satisfaction and opinion about it.

The interview was done to those most responsible for the teaching category change process at the University: Deans (seven), Human Resources Director and Rector.

The designed surveys were applied to four groups of clients. A first group: teachers with class teacher category of Assistant professor with time expired. Of the total (82), the sample provided by the AMPU computer software (Mathematical Assistant for Probabilities and Sampling) was 68.

The second group to which the survey was applied was the Assistant and Full Professors who had carried out the category change process from 2015 to date; that is 57, applying to a total of 50 according to AMPU.

The third group surveyed was the University teaching staff, applying to one hundred percent of them (128). The fourth survey was applied to the presidents of the courts of the university's higher teaching category, one hundred percent (28).

The main potentialities and limitations that influence the process of changing of higher teaching category at the University of Pinar del Río were identified.

To determine the main potentialities and limitations, it was necessary to meet with key factors related to the process of changing of higher teaching category, such as the interviewees and heads of teaching departments at the University.


After this group work, the information was triangulated, delimiting the main elements resulting from the primary and secondary information sources. The results were the following:

  • Potentialities:

    • There are courts of higher teaching categories in most of the University's specialties.

    • There is a working group in the Human Resources Department, with technical personnel, designed to manage the teaching processes and within these the change of higher teaching category.

    • There is a specializing in Human Resources classroom for conducting exercises categorization and change of educational categories.

  • Limitations:

    • There is no procedure for the process of changing of the higher teaching category.

    • There is, generally, delay in the process by the professors involved and the court of the specialty.

    • There is no clarity in the documentation to be delivered for the file by the teachers who are in the process.

The main result of the work was in the proposal of the essential stages and steps that, from the procedure, are capable of organizing the entire process for the change of category at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". The procedure for managing the process of change of higher teaching category can be considered as a scientific result, according to the author's criteria. In it actions were projected to assess its effect on objects applied and ensure improved selection of new management objects of the higher teaching category change procedure, because it is a procedure that intends to make the teacher take specific actions to carry out the task. The key is that the steps follow an orderly sequence.

In usual practice, the way in which you work to carry out a task is called a procedure. Therefore, it can be a sequence of steps that includes the preparation, implementation and completion of a task (Santos, CA, 2016).

Each step includes the sequence of activities and each activity a sequence of actions.

Because procedures are used by people, they are designed with the user in mind. This is normally an individual or group of individuals, although the procedures may cover a sequence of steps, each of which is performed by different individuals or groups. However, perceptions about procedures vary considerably depending on the context in which they are created and used.

In many cases, the procedures are contained in documents that contain:

  • The object and scope of an activity

  • What should be done

  • Who should do it

  • When should it be done

  • Where it should be carried out

  • How it should be done

  • What materials, equipment and documents should be used

  • How they should be controlled and recorded

Based on the elements raised above, a procedure is proposed for managing a change in the higher teaching category.

To present the proposal, a table was made that contemplates the objective, the fundamental premises, stages and steps to follow, taking into account the planning, organization, implementation, evaluation and control, as phases of this management process, which can be observed in the table below.

For the application of the procedure, two fundamental premises must be met that constitute the starting point of the same:

  1. Willingness and commitment of the actors involved in the process of changing higher teaching categories: the actors involved in this process must show a commitment regarding the use of the procedure for changing higher teaching categories, recognizing the need to change themodus operandiin its development.

  2. That the process develops from the increase in the level of training and development of the cloister involved in it: the raising of the level of preparation of the cloister must be established as a condition, as a result of the training and development actions carried out in previous periods, which will be endorsed by the certificates that certify their level of postgraduate training, as well as the events and scientific publications carried out during the stage.

The fulfillment of the premises created a favorable environment for the implementation of the procedure.

Furthermore, the proposed procedure is governed by the following principles:

  • Institutionalism and legality: refers to the need for the existence of a set of norms and instruments that have to accompany and legitimize the process of changing the higher teaching category at the University.

  • Participative and flexible character: it conceives the active participation of the actors involved in the process of changing the higher teaching category, under the leading role of the Human Resources Department (HRD) of the University. The adaptability of the procedure to the historical- concrete conditions where it is developed is highlighted.

  • Systemic vision: integrates and relates in its conception to the key factors that intervene in the process of change management of the higher teaching category, with a focus on meeting the requirements demanded from the MES.

Explanation of each element and relation of the procedure for the process of change of higher teaching category.

Stage I. Preparation and awareness

Objective: To achieve the actors involved in the process of teaching category change in grade teacher reach the bare minimum domain to face the process.

Step 1: Determination of the actors involved in the process of changing the higher teaching category.

Description: Each area will conduct an analysis to determine teachers who are required to perform the category change process according to responsibilities management; for example: positions, heads of disciplines, main professors of academic years, project leaders, among others that are considered. In addition, key actors in the process will be taken into account, such as the courts of higher teaching category and the technicians and specialists of the Teaching Processes Group (GPD) of the Human Resources Department.

Step 2: actor’s preparation

Description: The Human Resources Department will be responsible for preparing the actors involved in category change processes, a process that will lead to their updating on legal issues. This preparation will be aimed at teachers, cadres, courts of higher teaching category, technicians and specialists who attend the process in the Human Resources Directorate, through workshops, seminars, preparation of cadres, teachers' cloisters, among other ways and will be carried out each time the laws governing the process of changing the higher teaching category are modified.

Stage II. Process planning

Objective: achieve effective planning of the change of higher teaching process.

Step 3: analysis and determination of the applicants in higher teaching category chang.

Description: The area chiefs will approve in its board of directors to those teachers who, according to leadership roles, teachers need to change the category above; These can be, not only management positions but also processes that are managed within a department, faculty or university, as coordinators of graduate academic programs, chairmen of scientific councils, project heads career coordinators, heads of discipline, main professor of academic year, chairmen, etc.

Step 4: approval of the process by the Rector.

Description: after the approval of the the proposals in the areas, it will be put into knowledge and approval of the Rector, through a model, which signs the immediate boss arguing the need for change based on leadership roles; It is approved by the head of the area with his stamp, in a model for this purpose. Once the model is signed and coined by the Rector, the heads of areas will deliver it to the approved teachers.

Stage III. Documentary organization

Objective: achieve updating the teaching record, as established by the legislation for this purpose.

Step 5: updating of the record

Description: The teachers approved for higher teaching category changes will deliver in the Teachers ` Process Group DRH all documents needed to update his teaching, in order to do the category change.

These documents are:

  • Application model for the teaching category process.

  • Curriculum vitaeupdated from the CV platform, printed with the photocopies of the evidences that accredit courses, diplomas, events, publications, etc. In the case of the evidences of the publications, they must have the approval of the vice-rector's office that attends publications in the university.

  • Act of Social Problems of Science and Technology (PSCT) for the teaching category that aspires, in case it is not in his file.

  • Language Act for the aspiring teacher category and / or the act of a second language for a titular Professor in case it is not in his file.

  • The last three teacher's annual evaluations, if it is not in his file.

  • Political, social and moral endorsement signed by the leaders of the political and mass organizations of the area (PCC, Sindicato, FEU), coined with the stamp of the area.

  • Endorsement of the scientific council of the area with the stamp of the same.

Step 6: valuation requirements in Human Resources Management.

Description: In this step it should be analyzed from the DHR, as the first filter process, the records meet the basic requirements for change of category.

Time requirement will be reviewed, results of evaluations in the last three years, grades in PSCT and Language exercises, political, ethical, moral and investigative evaluations, number of publications made since the last teaching category awarded. If some of these elements do not meet the parameters expressed in the regulations for the application of the teaching categories, the process automatically stops. If it complies, then the procedure continues.

Stage IV. Completion of exercises and processing of documentation

Objective: To plan with the court dates that will session for the defense of the exercises by the candidates and the proper delivery of the MES processes performed.

Step 7: Conciliation with the courts.

Description: Technicians and specialists from the GPD notify the presidents of the courts of teaching categories the ready records for specialized review. The secretary of the court has the function of analyzing the level of scientific updating of the applicants, verifying the participation in events, courses, publications, etc. which have been carried out on topics related to the specialty where the teacher teaches or in accordance with his line of research.

If any of these requirements are not met, the process automatically stops. If everything is in accordance with the provisions, it is reconciled with the president or secretary of the court and the date on which the applicants will demonstrate, through the exercises established for the category to which they aspire, the level of preparation, training and development achieved will be coordinated in the course of time.

Step 8: Implementation of the exercises.

Description: The technicians and specialists from the GPD have prepared specialized classroom with necessary means for the development of the exercises and handed over to the court records or teachers updated with printed records for the years to be submitted by applicants. Once the exercises are over, the courts will have a maximum of 15 days to deliver to the DHR the documentation of the processes carried out, with the acts filled out and signed by all members and guests, if any.

Step 9: documents preparation to MES.

Description: The head of GPD draw up a letter addressed to the Human Resources of the MES, requesting approval of the processes of change in higher teaching category made by the courts of disciplines approved for effect, signed and coined by RH director. Two copies of this letter will be made and one is filed in the DRH document release protocol. The minutes of the processes carried out will be attached to the other copy, they will be sealed in an envelope and the possibilities that exist for their delivery to the MES will be processed with the University's Transportation Department.

Stage V. Approval of processes of higher teaching category

Objective: to ensure that the teacher who changed the teaching category is notified, in the shortest time possible, of his approval of the teaching category.

Step 10: notification of higher teaching category approved.

Description: a ministerial letter will be received at the DHR. This letter can arrive by post office or electronic mail, at the Rector's office, with the approval of the processes sent, who will be in charge of sending it to the DHR or advising for its collection.

If any of the processes sent have not been approved, the DHR must contact the DHR of the MES to analyze the causes of the non-approval. After that moment, at the end or beginning of the month, a monthly ministerial resolution will be received at the DHR with the changes in the higher teaching category made in the country in the previous month, where the names of the university teachers must be found, whose processes were sent and arrived approved in the approval letter. If no name of those approved in the ministerial resolution is found in the resolution, the DHR must contact the DHR of the MES to solve the problem.

Step 11: elaboration of the Rectoral Resolution.

Description: The DHR will send the UPR legal department the ministerial resolution so that it can draw up the Rectoral resolution granting the approved teachers of the higher teaching category and the date on which the category becomes effective.

Once the Rectoral resolution has been drawn up and signed, it will be delivered to the DHR to which two photocopies will be made. The original will be filed in the DHR resolution entry protocol. Copies will be kept in the teacher's files.

The Human Resources, the Board Expanded University, notify to the teachers who were granted the higher teaching category to make it known to the heads of areas that are members of this body address.

Stage VI. Application of the salary increase and delivery of diplomas of higher teaching category

Objective: to apply the salary corresponding to the teaching category awarded and ensures that the teachers obtain their diploma that accredits the higher teaching category they hold.

Step 12: To deliver resolution to the Group of Organization Work and Wages (OTS).

Description: The GPD deliver the copy of the Rectoral resolution Group of OTS for effective implementation of the salary for higher teaching category given to the teacher.

Step 13: settlement of higher teaching.

Description: The GPD entered in the register of Volume, Folios and Numbers of the DRH, the teaching category granted, just as it will be seated in the General Secretariat of the University of Pinar del Rio "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca".

Step 14: confection of diplomas of higher teaching category.

Description: on January of each year, the DHR will handle hiring a specialist to entitle in the diplomas of teaching category the names, folios and numbers of each of the teachers who obtained their categories in the previous year. This process will take place for a month. Once the diplomas are made, they will be sent to the Rector for his signature.

Step 15: The delivery of higher teaching diplomas.

Description: Once signed they are separated by areas and the Board Expanded of the University on February, the DRH delivered to the heads of areas, members of the same diplomas of teaching category for teachers of their areas, which will decide when to deliver them to their teachers, morally stimulating them in a public act.

Stage VII. Evaluation process

Objective: to analyze the difficulties presented throughout the process and plan the corresponding improvements.

Step 16: Feedback of the process.

Description: the first 15 days of March, the GPD will assess the outcome of the process. For this, the difficulties presented throughout the process will be assessed with the actors involved, as part of the evaluation and control in Human Resources Management. Techniques such as surveys, interviews, observation and documentary analysis will be used.

Step 17: Establishing improvement measures.

Description: Determining inconsistencies in the process, measures shall be defined by those responsible to consider for the start of the next process from April of each year.

To start the process of validation of the procedure, firstly, it was analyzed that the premises that sustain it are met, so the actors involved showed willingness and commitment to the process of changing higher teaching categories, manifesting a commitment regarding the use of the procedure for changing higher teaching categories, recognizing the need to change themodus operandisin its development. Likewise , an increase in the level of training and development of the cloister involved in it is achieved, establishing as a condition the raising of the level of preparation of the cloister, as a result of the training and development actions carried out in previous periods, which is supported by the certificates that accredit their level of postgraduate training, as well as the scientific events and publications carried out in the stage, in thecurriculum vitaedelivered by the applicants in the process.

Forms of instrumentation

To plan and monitor the activities of the procedure at the Faculty of Forestry Sciences and Agriculture, the procedure was validated, according to compliance requirements by teachers and so its impact was determined, according to the stages, taking into account the use of techniques and actions, such as surveys, interviews, documentary review, group work, visits to entities, and exchanges of experience.

Step 1: Determination of the actors involved in the process of changing of higher teaching category.

At that time they were identified, at the level of the area, teachers, in terms of time requirements, could change the teaching category. Likewise, the members of the faculty's teaching tribunals and its executive cadres were taken into account, determining them as fundamental actors in the process.

Step 2: preparation of the actors.

Once the actors had been determined, a preparatory meeting was held with them, led by the group of teaching processes of the DHR, where a preparatory workshop was held with the corresponding topics according to the implication they have in the process. This workshop was held as part of the faculty cloister held in April of this year.

Step 3: analysis and determination of the candidates of higher teaching category change.

In the board of directors of the faculty in June of this year, eight professors of the Agronomy career were approved to undergo the process of change of higher teaching category, taking into account their directive functions as main professor of the academic year, heads of disciplines, vice deans, head of career.

Step 4: Endorsement of the process by the Rector.

At the end of September the proposals of the faculty were submitted to the Rector for his consideration. These were approved and picked up by the responsible authority (in this case the Secretary of the Department of Agricultural Sciences was appointed), which were delivered by the department head to the applicants.

Step 5: to updating of the file.

From this moment, the professors began to arrive at the DHR to deliver the documents requested in the procedure, guided by the preparatory workshop carried out in the first stage. The process of updating of the file was carried out in an agile and correct way.

Step 6: validation of the requirements in HR.

With the files of the applicants completely updated, the technicians and specialists of the group of educational processes, evaluated the requirements; analysis of the same determined that one of the proposed teachers had no language exercise done. This process immediately stops until the teacher performs this exercise as a prerequisite.

Step 7: Settlement with the courts.

With the files updated and reviewed by the technicians and specialists of the GPD, the president of the tribunal of higher teaching categories of the discipline of Agriculture was notified by email, so that he or his secretary could go to the DHR for their specialized review. This review determined the level of scientific update of applicants, verifying participation in events, courses, publications, etc., which have been made on issues related to the specialty where the teacher imparts his teaching or according to his research. All accomplished with the above, so the date on which they will defend the exercises in front of the court was determined. This date was set for October 21 and 22, due to the number of applicants, in the specialized classroom of the Human Resources Department.

Step 8. Implementation exercises.

On October 21, the GPD technicians and specialists prepared the specialized classroom with their PC and projector, ensured the required cleaning and delivered to the court the updated teaching files with the printed minutes corresponding to the exercises to be presented by the applicants and the minutes of hearing, which will sign the court and the applicants once finished the exposure exercises. The exercises were carried out satisfactorily during the two programmed days. 10 days after having carried out the exercises, the court delivered to the DHR the documentation of the processes carried out, with the minutes duly drawn up and signed by all the members participating in the defenses.

Greater agility was perceived compared to other previous processes carried out before the procedure.

Step 9: document preparation to MES.

With the documents ready, the head of GPD drew up the standard letter, addressed to the Human Resources Department of the MES, requesting the approval of the processes of change of higher teaching category carried out by the courts of the disciplines approved for its effect, signed and minted by the Director of Human Resources and the two copies were made to be filed in a record of exit of documents of the DHR. The minutes of the processes carried out were attached to a copy and they were sealed in an envelope, which was reconciled with the Directorate of Transport for shipment in the next planned transport to the MES.

Once the proposal of the procedure for the process of changing the higher teaching category in the Faculty of Forestry and Agricultural Sciences has been partially evaluated, it is necessary to continue the implementation of the remaining steps, to evaluate the quality of the process and receive feedback based on continuous improvement.


The scope of the relevance of the management for the realization of the change of higher teaching category starts from the premise that such process must comply with adequate planning. For this it has a procedure for managing the change of teaching category process at the University of Pinar de Rio, from a variety of sources that gives an integrative character.

Unlike the proposals of the generality of the preceding authors, who weigh the planning of the process for the change of teaching category, the formulated proposal conceives that said procedure may be more pertinent if it is supported by the current resolutions, fostering adequate guidance through a sequence of steps, including task preparation, implementation, and completion.

The exposed procedure reveals that the sufficiency, timeliness and relevance of said information is only achieved if it comes from the triangulation of the data and primary information of the policies that are oriented in the resolutions, which makes possible the deployment of said process and the satisfaction of the needs to change the teaching category(Santacana Palencia, T., 2019, who also allude toMontoya Agudelo, C. A; Boyero Saavedra, MR, 2016). That is to say, the importance required by quality management and competitiveness in said process of changing the teaching category and the process of categorizing professionals in higher education, has its theoretical- methodological background from the management of human resources.

Another common element is that it does not exceed organizational boundaries, which does not constitute one limiting, but a differentiating element with respect to the one offers in this work(Vargas Fernández, T., 2013).

The analyzes carried out in this research allowed to conclude that the process of categorization of higher education professionals has its theoretical-methodological antecedents from the management of human resources, specifically the management of teaching processes in national higher education systems and foreign.

It is evident that the proposed actions were not the most adequate for strengthening the process for the change of higher teaching category, based on the new demands of the Cuban university, for which a procedure for the change process of higher teaching category is drawn up where the stages and steps to be taken into account for the execution of this are determined, facilitating the orientation of the teachers involved in the process for the change of higher teaching category and members of the planned tribunal.

Referencias bibliográficas

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Received: April 24, 2019; Accepted: September 21, 2020

*Autor para correspondencia. Correo electrónico:

Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de intereses.

Los autores han participado en la redacción del trabajo y análisis de los documentos.

1 La plataforma CV consiste en un formato de Curriculum Vitae digital que se encuentra en la intranet de la Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", dentro del sitio PROGINTEC. Aprobado por el Consejo de Dirección de la UPR para su elaboración.

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