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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 1815-7696


UNDA VILLAFUERTE, Fernando Santiago. Perspectives of teachers and students in the definition of inclusive-virtuous schools category. Rev. Mendive [online]. 2020, vol.18, n.4, pp. 893-909.  Epub 02-Dez-2020. ISSN 1815-7696.

The characterization and definition of the inclusive school variable enables the design of policies, plans, programs, and projects aimed at access, participation and quality education for all children and adolescents. In this framework, the study aimed to operationalize the inclusive education category from the perspective of students and teachers and from the perspective of virtuous educational organizations. It was based on the socio-educational experiences and practices of teachers and students approached from the theory of educational inclusion and the postulates of Positive Psychology. The research was developed in the provinces of Bolívar and Pichincha, north central Ecuador. There was a non-probabilistic sample of 541 students and 98 teachers. It was an explanatory-descriptive qualitative cross-sectional study. As research methods, the documentary review, participant observation and triangulation were considered. The technique used was the survey and, the instrument, a protocol designed to describe qualities of inclusive and exclusive educational organizations, previously validated with the criteria of specialists. The study characterized schools as inclusive when: teachers and students practiced values; respect and appreciation for diversity was promoted; there were communication channels between families and the school; teachers and students made decisions on issues that directly concerned them; psych pedagogical support actions were carried out; and, the aim was to eliminate the barriers that reinforce exclusion. As conclusions, a set of dimensions and indicators were raised that will make it possible to advance in the construction of inclusive and virtuous schools.

Palavras-chave : diversity; inclusive schools; students; teachers; virtuosity.

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