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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versão On-line ISSN 1815-7696

Rev. Mendive vol.21 no.2 Pinar del Río abr.-jun. 2023  Epub 30-Jun-2023


Original article

Strategy to form the psycho-pedagogical counseling competence in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training

0000-0002-4364-0281Yunier Guerra Borrego1  *  , 0000-0002-3795-9253Lázara María Varona Moreno1  , 0000-0002-3120-0449Manuel Antonio Mulet González1 

1Universidad de Las Tunas. Departamento Pedagógica Psicología. Cuba.


The formation of psycho-pedagogical counseling as a competence in the initial training of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional constitutes a social need, inasmuch as it exceeds the formation of this as a skill or mode of action. It is conceived from and for professional performance, as a concretion of what you know and need your professional intervention, in a process from dependency to independence in practice. In this sense, the objective of this article is to socialize a pedagogical strategy for the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence from the internalization of the constitutive elements of the same, its externalization in practice and the evaluative reflection of what was needed, applied and precise. transform into training for your efficiency. The scientific research methods used were: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and modeling, all of them of a theoretical nature; and analysis of documents, the observation, the survey and the criteria of specialists, of an empirical nature, demonstrated the scientific value, the viability and feasibility of the strategy. The strategy, as a novel element, shows the new understanding of the training of psycho-pedagogical counseling as a competence of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training and its contribution to reach agile professionals, prepared for change, useful in the management and solution of problems. conflicts that derive from this in the base labor entities. It favors the awareness of the actions in the formation of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence and stimulates the transit to higher stages.

Key words: pedagogical strategy; training; initial training; psychological counseling competence


Cuban universities contribute, from their scientific actions, to the improvement of society. The professionals who graduate from there must be prepared to face the challenges that are presented to them, be flexible, autonomous, motivated by the task they perform, active in social processes, identified with their profession, with the impetus to transform society according to with the needs that emanate from it.

In Cuba, the conception for the training of professionals in universities is included in the study plans, which are outlined in correspondence with social needs. The fundamental premises for the design of the study plans "E" (2016) define the qualities that are developed in the initial training process, which help to combine their personal interests with those of the society where they participate actively, critically and constructively.

In correspondence with the requirements of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional model (2016), the training process at the University has to develop professionals who transform the environment and themselves, through the fulfillment of their functions, consistent with social problems. Among its general objectives, number five states: "Advise managers and teachers for the direction of the educational and teaching-learning process based on normative documents of the system and level of education, of the particularities of the subjects and the contexts of professional performance "(p. 5).

Hence, a high level of initial training is required to successfully carry out the psycho-pedagogical counseling that corresponds to the objectives of the model; however, sufficient ideas related to the contents of psycho-pedagogical counseling to achieve professional performance as required by society have not yet been clarified.

The Graduate in Education, Pedagogy-Psychology, during their initial training, needs to develop the personality with qualities that allow competence in psycho-pedagogical advice to managers and teachers, aimed at meeting educational needs in accordance with the improvement of the National Education System (SNE). In this sense, it reaches high value to achieve transformations in educational institutions through counseling, adjusted to the demands made in its Professional Model, Study Plan E (2016), which has among its professional problems:

The psycho-pedagogical advice of managers and teachers for management, research, guidance in the pedagogical process and the need to develop personological resources and skills in the management and solution of conflicts that derive from it (p. 4).

It has been verified that the psychopedagogical counseling competence is necessary in the face of social demands, of transcendence in the current transformations in educational levels. Pedagogy-Psychology professional demands effective regulation in professional activity.

Based on the performance of this researcher as a member of the Scientific Research Project "Guidance and psychopedagogical advice in educational, labor, social and clinical contexts for Cuban socio-educational development, as Principal Professor of the Academic Year", in observations made to the psychopedagogical activity of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training and exchanges with specialists, it is evident that upon graduation they still show limited behavioral self-regulation to achieve the objectives proposed in psycho-pedagogical counseling, they do not achieve sufficient autonomy in psycho-pedagogical counseling, they present a tendency to execute with limited reflection according to the contextualized psycho-pedagogical advice.

There are several systematized investigations in search of solutions. From them emerges the value of professional competences for the treatment to the training of psycho-pedagogical counseling in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training.

Castro, Peña & Boffill (2018), Guerra, Peña, Conde and Peña (2021a) see initial training as a social process, which does not deny the development achieved by the subject up to that moment, nor does it circumscribe initial training to academic spaces. rather, they understand it from the internalization and application of culture with a pedagogical sense, directed by the academy, but which integrates other formative spaces from the influence of agents and agencies, a criterion assumed by the researcher.

Within this order of ideas, the initial training of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional has been directed towards the search for a suitable professional for their professional performance in the different contexts of action, from an integral formation. In this direction are researchers such as Contrera, Torres & Martí (2022), Álvarez (2019), among others. On the other hand, Ferreira and Castro (2021) have directed their research towards the initial training of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional by competencies, who ponder this initial training supported by competencies that are required to develop professional functions; however, it does not delve into psychopedagogical counseling as a professional competence.

Regarding the competencies, valuable theoretical and practical results are provided, among which research by different authors stands out: Gabarda, Rodríguez & Moreno (2017). These understand competence as a set of combined knowledge, procedures and attitudes, definable in action; Guerra, Varona & Mulet (2021b) establish a relationship between competence and its importance for professional performance. In all cases, the necessary combination between the internal configuration of the subject and the quality of their professional performance is clarified.

The value of the investigations carried out on the competences, cited in the previous paragraphs, which allow deep reflection and from various directions, is recognized. Assumed positions on competencies such as skills, abilities, knowledge, qualities or personality configurations, psychological formations or as integration of knowledge are clarified. All eyes point to the concrete integration of the resources that the subject puts into play when carrying out the activity, in the management that he must do of what he knows to achieve the objectives.

For its part, psycho-pedagogical counseling has been the occupation of several researchers, including: Pérez, Baute & Maldonado (2017), who emphasize counseling from the etymology of the word, which is derived from the Latin verb assidére, which means to be Sitting next to. Meanwhile, Imbernon (2007), Ventura (2008), Pérez, Baute & Maldonado (2017) refer to counseling as a process of help, accompaniment, collaboration. According to Román, García, Torres, Pantoja, Moreno & Calzad. (2021), psycho-pedagogical counseling is a mode of action, the result of the training of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training.

From the studies carried out on professional competences, it is evident that psycho-pedagogical counseling is not declared or deepened as a competence of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional. There is currently a need to base it on the basis of the particularities of the professional's initial training process from a closer look at its pedagogical practice.

For this reason, the formation of the psychopedagogical counseling competence during initial training must be attended from and for professional performance. In other words, the student of Pedagogy-Psychology fully externalizes in practice what is required of him to fulfill his objective and, consequently, internalizes those significant elements that contribute to perfecting his performance.

What has been stated up to here is revealed in the need to address the psycho-pedagogical counseling competence in the initial training of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional, which allows declaring as a scientific research problem: how to train the psycho-pedagogical counseling competence in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional. Psychology in initial training?

Thus, the objective of this article is: to socialize a pedagogical strategy for the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence from the internalization of the constitutive elements of the competence, its externalization in practice and the evaluative reflection of what it needed, applied and needs to transform. in training for its efficiency.

The pedagogical strategy has been treated theoretically and implemented in educational practice in a general way by several researchers. In recent years, Orozco, Niño & Fernández (2020), Batista y Valcárcel (2022) have pondered the practical value of the pedagogical model; They agree that it means a way to plan actions and organize collective and individual efforts to achieve an educational objective. In this way, adjusted with the given requirements, based on historical, theoretical and factual analysis, it allows consciously directing the desired transformation from the implementation of the theoretically modeled solution to the scientific problem.

Materials and methods

In this research, the dialectical-materialist method is assumed as a general method, which contributes to determine the relationships given in the dynamics of the object and that provide the formation of the psycho-pedagogical counseling competence. In this way, determine the actions in the investigation, delve into the contextualized solution and elucidate and delve into new problematic edges.

In addition, the analysis-synthesis method is used to interpret the information and delimit the features that typify the formation of the psycho-pedagogical counseling competence in the initial training of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional and understand their causal links. In this way, incorporate actions in stages to achieve partial objectives that lead to fulfilling the general objective and solving the scientific research problem.

In the same way, the inductive-deductive method allowed to determine the essential elements of value found in the investigations on the subject and to reach generalizations as a beginning to derive or ratify theories on the process of formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence; Thus, through modeling, determine the foundation and structuring of the stages and actions of the pedagogical strategy.

For the application of empirical methods during the 2021 and 2022 academic year at the University of Las Tunas, a fundamental sample and a complementary one were selected (table 1). The fundamental one made up of Pedagogy-Psychology professionals in initial training of the fourth year of the career and the complementary one by the teacher who teaches the subject, teachers of the academic year group and other teachers who influence their training in the base labor entities.

Table 1 Intentional sample 

fifteen Pedagogy-Psychology professionals in initial training
twenty-one teachers

The empirical methods applied were: document analysis, which allowed searching for information in study plans, normative documents, ministerial resolutions and discipline and subject programs; the observation, in different stages of the investigation, of teaching and extra-teaching activities to obtain information about the ways used by teachers and the performance of Pedagogy-Psychology professionals in initial training, in terms of the competence of psycho-pedagogical counseling ; the survey, to obtain information on the criteria for the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence from the components: academic and labor-investigative that they develop in the formative spaces.

Likewise, the criteria of specialists allowed obtaining specialized judgments on the viability and feasibility of the pedagogical strategy. To verify if the aspects determined to evaluate the training of the psychopedagogical consulting competence are adequate to achieve the proposed objectives.


From the application of the mentioned methods, the researchers determine that the psychopedagogical counseling competence is a process and result of the psychological configuration that integrates cultural and personal resources in the activity; This allows effective behavioral regulation in accordance with the objectives proposed in the process of collaborative, systematic, flexible and preventive accompaniment, which transforms the ways of feeling, thinking and acting of those advised in the direction of their own process of contextual professional change.

The training process of the psychopedagogical counseling competence is complex, of interrelationships, with active and communicative participation of the participants, in the achievement of actions with the purpose of achieving an effective influence in this direction. The formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence is shown as a contextualized formative process, where personal and group sense of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training is fostered; social interaction is weighted in pursuit of individual transformation and vice versa.

In correspondence with what is required by the Pedagogy-Psychology professional model, the systematized references on the initial training of the same and the particularities of the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence, the author defines a pedagogical strategy for the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence. such as: projection of practical actions in relation to the assumed theory, based on the relationships between the training agents and the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training, with the purpose of meeting partial objectives in stages that favor the general objective in training of the psychopedagogical consulting competence.

In general, the pedagogical strategy responds to the need to train the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional. It specifies its direction in the internalization of the constituent elements of the competence, its externalization in practice and the evaluative reflection of what it needed, applied and needs to transform in training for its efficiency.

The general objective of the pedagogical strategy consists of projecting practical actions for the formation of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence in the concretion of the pedagogical model.

The stages of the pedagogical strategy are the following:

  • Stage I. Assurance for the formation of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training.

  • Stage II. Planning of the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence for its practical expression.

  • Stage III. Execution of the training of the psychopedagogical consulting competence.

  • Stage IV. Closing of the strategy for the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence.

  • Stage I. Assurance for the formation of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training. It consists of directing the training agents towards the awareness of the need to form the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence and that they appropriate the theoretical-practical elements necessary for this purpose, based on the requirements of the model of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional. and his professional performance as a psycho-pedagogical advisor.

The objective of this stage is to: ensure the preconditions for the formation of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training. In this sense, the actions are defined:

  • Review of the regulations on the initial training of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training.

  • Contextualize the content and form of the psychopedagogical counseling competence in the curriculum, taking into account the training conditions and needs.

Action # 1. Review of the regulations on the initial training of the Pedagogy Psychology professional in initial training.

Objective: to analyze the regulations on the initial training of the Pedagogy Psychology professional in initial training.

Operational recommendations: identify and locate the documents that regulate the initial training of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional. Carry out a table work to study the general regulations and select the particular elements related to psycho-pedagogical advice. Socialize with other formative agents the particular elements found and enrich the formative aspects on psycho-pedagogical advice.

Action # 2. Contextualize the content and form of the psychopedagogical consulting competence in the curriculum, taking into account the training conditions and needs.

Objective: to include the content and form of the psychopedagogical consulting competence in the curriculum, taking into account the training conditions and needs.

Operational recommendations: the action is conceived from the inclusion of modifications in the curriculum, contents and forms that respond to the needs of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training in psycho-pedagogical counseling, in correspondence with social demands and their professional performance.

In this sense, it intends to admit formative actions from the conception of problematic situations that require psycho-pedagogical advice, based on cultural and personal resources necessary to solve them; part of the integration of knowledge necessary for the solution of specific problems through psycho-pedagogical advice.

On the other hand, it is necessary to encourage Pedagogy-Psychology professionals in initial training to plan what, how and for what to advise, attending to contextual, interpersonal and individual needs and potentials based on specific situations. In this way, they move from dependence, accompanied by the training agents in planning, to independence in the concretion of the resources of what they know in practice.

Stage II. Planning of the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence for its practical expression. In this stage, the actions for the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence are projected.

The objective of this stage is: to project the formation of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training.

In this sense, the actions are defined:

  • Project the preparation of Pedagogy-Psychology professionals in initial training in the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence.

  • Project the direction of the expression of the psychopedagogical consulting competence in practice.

  • Project the assessment of the psychopedagogical counseling competence, based on work practice.

Action # 1. Project the preparation of Pedagogy-Psychology professionals in initial training in the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence.

Objective: to plan the preparation of Pedagogy-Psychology professionals in initial training in the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence.

Operational recommendations: the action is projected towards the generalization and concretion of the cultural and personal resources acquired in practice. The content elements of the psychopedagogical counseling competence are determined for its treatment from the personal sense that it reaches for the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training. The preparation is planned from the integration of cultural and personal resources necessary in different professional situations, which mobilize the actions of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training and moderate the intensity from the integration, not only of cognitive elements, but affective ones, which mobilize consciously regulate and guide their activity.

The elements of the psychopedagogical consulting competence are selected from the scientific rigor that reflects the reality in the selection of the essential and the way in which the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training intervenes and that requires skills to achieve the accompaniment is specified. collaborative from the ethical relationship, to achieve that the counselee directs his own process of change. Self-regulation directed towards the fulfillment of the objective of psycho-pedagogical counseling must be achieved with a positive, significant, reflective and critical position before it; In this sense, with manifest motivational affective involvement in cognitive, evaluative, communicative and practical activity.

The evaluation is conceived to promote the obtaining of value judgments, so as to optimize their professional performance; in such a way, that it serves as an orientation to the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training in the expression of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence.

Action # 2. Project the direction of the expression of the psychopedagogical consulting competence in practice.

Objective: to plan the direction of the expression of the psychopedagogical consulting competence in practice.

Operational recommendations: systematic and flexible collaboration is projected in the psycho-pedagogical counseling of the training agents with the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training, which is directed from the simple to the complex, from dependence to independence in the ways of feeling , think and act to achieve contextual professional change through counseling; it implies the transformation of the subjects with whom he interacts, the professional environment and himself. In the projection, the skills, knowledge and elements to be trained in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional are taken into account in their relationship to psycho-pedagogical counseling, values, interests, feelings and attitudes.

Action # 3. Project the assessment of the psychopedagogical consulting competence, based on work practice.

Objective: to plan the assessment of the psychopedagogical counseling competence, based on work practice.

Operational recommendations: It reflects on what has been learned, on the resources that he needed in psycho-pedagogical counseling, what he achieved and what he did not, what he felt during the process. It is projected to value the individual experiential vision and the group perspective, to achieve constructive criticism that translates into better ways of knowing, doing, being and living together, in accordance with what the competition demands.

It is pertinent that the effective regulation of behavior be conceived from an integrating and concrete perspective in its complex framework. In the same way, that the participants value the individual professional performance, issue evaluative criteria and make clear the aspects to be perfected.

The action is planned to redirect objectives, actions, behaviors of the participants in the training process and the evaluation itself, as part of the feedback in the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence. It allows updating the actions of training agents and the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training, in correspondence with the conditions of the context and the characteristics of the participating subjects.

Stage III. Execution of the training of the psychopedagogical consulting competence.

This stage has as objective: to apply the actions through the system of influences for the formation of the psychological counseling competence.

In this sense, the actions are defined:

  • Prepare Pedagogy-Psychology professionals in initial training in the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence.

  • Direct the formative influences for the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence.

  • Assessment workshop of psycho-pedagogical consulting competence, based on work practice.

Action # 1. Prepare Pedagogy-Psychology professionals in initial training in the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence.

Objective: to raise the level of theoretical-methodological knowledge of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training for psycho-pedagogical counseling.

Operational recommendations: this action is aimed at internalizing the knowledge, skills and relationships of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional with psycho-pedagogical counseling. In this way, through their experiences, they integrate and give new meaning to resources internalized in advance, in accordance with the demands made by the activity.

Situations are presented to him that allow him to form a reason that requires psycho-pedagogical advice to give him a solution. Thus, resort to the rules of conduct that are required to achieve the proposed objective. From the cognitive deficiency and the objective of psycho-pedagogical counseling, the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training is encouraged to search for the theory and the necessary ways to solve the given situation.

The level of efficiency will be marked by the positive stimulation that the training agents make to the learner, towards the achievement of the objective. From the influence of the training agents and the experiences of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training, self-assessment, self-regulation and autonomy will be formed, which mark the path from dependence to independence in psychopedagogical counseling.

Action # 2. Direct the formative influences for the constitution of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence.

Objective: To unite the formative influences for the constitution of the psychopedagogical consulting competence.

Operational recommendations: part of the relationship between the training agents, the pedagogical group of the academic year, tutors and managers and teachers involved in training in the basic labor entity. The training agents of the pedagogical group guide the tutors in the basic labor entity on the actions for the training of psycho-pedagogical counseling, monitoring and the active nature of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in the training of the competence. They are oriented towards the direction from dependence to independence in activity.

The coordination relationship between the training agents must allow the accompaniment for the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training in psycho-pedagogical counselling. In this sense, the training agents favor the constitution of this, by allowing professional participation in psycho-pedagogical counseling activities. In the first place, you are allowed to participate as an observer, where you issue your criteria of what is observed. Secondly, its expression is allowed, in practice, from projection to intervention. In all cases, we move from the simplest to the most complex, to achieve greater autonomy and control in psycho-pedagogical counseling.

Action # 3. Workshop to assess the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence, based on work practice.

Objective: to promote self-recognition and independence from reflection on the psychopedagogical counseling competence.

Operational recommendations: the training agent who directs the workshop will give each Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training the opportunity to present their experiences. Thus, they will be able to socialize what they experienced in psycho-pedagogical counseling. It makes it easier for him to come into contact with his own aspects, with those that he considers he achieved and those that he did not, according to the proposed objective. In the same way, with their emotions, feelings, moods and states of tension in psycho-pedagogical counseling.

The workshop contributes to the promotion of affective and attitudinal transformations in the participants. Group cohesion must be fostered through group participation and interaction on each personal case.

As a closing, the training agent offers returns that shed light on aspects such as: possible resistance to change, inefficient communication styles, exteriorization of defensive mechanisms, among other valuable aspects that need to be addressed.

The action, a workshop for assessing the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence, promotes the accompaniment of the training agents and the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training. It is valued from the reflection of what has been learned, projected and put into practice. Although feedback is present throughout the process, a moment is necessary where what has been done is valued from the individual experiential vision and from the group perspective to achieve constructive criticism that translates into better ways of feeling, thinking and acting, in accordance with what that the competition demands.

Stage IV. Closing of the training strategy of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training.

This stage has as objective: to evaluate the efficiency of the pedagogical strategy for the formation of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training.

In this sense, the actions are defined:

  • Collect information on the preparation of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training, required for decision-making in the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence.

  • Collect information on the externalization of the psychopedagogical consulting competence in practice.

  • Collect information and value judgments from individual and social reflection to optimize perspectives of higher stages in the formation of psychopedagogical counseling competence.

Action # 1. Collect information on the preparation of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training, required for decision-making in the formation of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence.

Objective: to collect the necessary information on the preparation of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training, required for decision-making in the formation of the psychopedagogical counseling competence.

Operational recommendations: the evaluation will be individual, based on the information collected by the researcher. In the process, information is obtained on the previous knowledge that the Pedagogy-Psychology professional possesses in initial training of other disciplines and those referred to psycho-pedagogical counseling. Information is collected about the skills they have to prepare, the bibliography consulted, doubts presented, the learning strategy used and the socialization of new learning with peers. In this sense, recognize in him the mastery of content, independence and security in action.

The information on the preparation of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training must serve as a reference to restructure contents or adapt the form. The information obtained is used for corrective decision-making, according to what is needed as a value judgment to interpret and optimize the actions of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in psycho-pedagogical counseling.

Action # 2. Collect information on the externalization of the psychopedagogical consulting competence in practice.

Objective: to collect information on the externalization of the psychopedagogical consulting competence in practice, to stimulate the effective regulation of behavior from an integrating and concrete perspective.

Operational recommendations: it is carried out, based on the performance of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training. It is specified in the observation of the expression of the resources that the Pedagogy-Psychology professional applies in psycho-pedagogical counseling. In such a way, in the management that he does of what he knows, where knowledge, skills, values, interests, feelings and attitudes are integrated in the achievement of actions to achieve the objective.

The information will be collected through performance monitoring. Project corrective actions to the formation of the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence by the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training.

Action # 3. Collect information and value judgments from individual and social reflection.

Objective: collect information and value judgments from individual and social reflection in the evaluation workshop, from experiences, to optimize perspectives of higher stages in the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence.

Operational recommendations: the information obtained from the valuation workshop is analyzed. Thus, from the negative and positive aspects emitted, information on preparation and externalization in practice is triangulated. Formative elements of the psychopedagogical counseling competence are re-elaborated. The actions of training agents and the Pedagogy-Psychology professional are updated, in correspondence with the conditions, demands of the context and the characteristics of the participating subjects. It allows to obtain a characterization for the overcoming of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in the psycho-pedagogical consulting competence.


The training strategy of the psychopedagogical counseling competence is presented as a viable and feasible way. It corresponds to what is needed from the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in today's Cuban society, efficient in psycho-pedagogical advice, in light of the current improvement in the National Education System.

It offers a referential analysis on pedagogical strategy, adjusted to the initial training of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional. In addition, psychopedagogical counseling competence is defined and sufficient elements for their training are exposed.

The presented strategy promotes the internalization and externalization of the sufficient elements for the formation of the psychopedagogical consulting competence. The knowledge, skills, values and the role of the experiences of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional are raised, according to the professional needs in practice, interests, emotions, feelings, attitudes.

The training of psycho-pedagogical counseling is considered as a competence, superior to the current training, according to what society needs and the professional training model demands. It is based on comprehensive training, which includes mastery of knowledge in action and other necessary components for the efficient intervention of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training in practice.

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Received: July 07, 2022; Accepted: January 19, 2023

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