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Revista Novedades en Población

versão On-line ISSN 1817-4078


ORTIZ AVILA, Elsa  e  DEVOLDER, Daniel. Evolution of fertility behaviors by order of birth and by educational level in Colombia and the Dominican Republic. Rev Nov Pob [online]. 2018, vol.14, n.27, pp. 1-10. ISSN 1817-4078.

In the course ofthe 20th century, Latin America has seen important social changes, such as a significant decline in fertility and an important increase in educational levels. Although the average levels of children reached in the region can be considered as low at present, significant differences persist between the different social groups and one of the most notable inequalities is perceived by educational level. So, our objective is to analyze by educational level the evolution of the behaviors of the first to the third motherhood in Colombia and the Dominican Republic between 1997 and 2008. In this paper, we use periodparity progression ratio measures by educational level. For the empirical analysis, we use the Demography and health Survey (DHS) for two countries: Colombia (2010) and the Dominican Republic (2007). As a conclusion, we found significant changes in the intensity of the first, second and third motherhood by educational level, with more significant decreases in the levels for highly educated women.

Palavras-chave : Colombia; Dominican Republic; educational level; parity progression ratio; Fertility.

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