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versão On-line ISSN 1990-8644


KARGAR, Hoseyn; KARGAR, Ali Asghar  e  BASHIRI AZIZLO, Mir Farrokh. Interpretation of contractual obligations and warranties for its implementation in the Legal System of Iran and the United Kingdom. Conrado [online]. 2020, vol.16, n.72, pp. 286-297.  Epub 02-Fev-2020. ISSN 1990-8644.

The interpretation of the contract as one of the important issues of contract law in the branch of private law has always been of particular importance in various legal systems. The importance of this issue in the implementation of contractual obligations, obvious to everyone. By studying legal systems like the United Kingdom system, it is clear that the legislative and judicial system has always taken new steps to establish and complete the rules for the interpretation of the contract and has reduced the barriers to the implementation of contracts in the private relations of individuals. The study of this subject in Iranian law and the attitude to the laws, especially, civil law, states that the discussion of the interpretation of the contract is far from the point of view of the concept, and merely to mention the dispersed instances while discussing the texts of the contract. In this paper, we try to clarify the subject and adapt the rules and interpretative principles of legal systems with scattered instances in the legal texts, a coherent and disciplined chapter on the interpretation of contracts, in addition to resolving the existing vacuum in this field, by eliminating the ambiguity Contracts have also been assisted in fulfilling its obligations.

Palavras-chave : Interpretation of the contract; interpretative rules and principles; description of the contract; modification of the contract; completion of the contract.

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