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vol.16 número73Educando la morfología del mito de Ghayeny por Shams Ghmar basado en la teoría de ProppFactores relacionados para la gestión del techo de vidrio para desarrollar un camino profesional. Estudio de caso: empleados femeninos de la organización ejecutiva de Kerman índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1990-8644


ROJAS VALLADARES, Adalia Lisett; TORRES ZERQUERA, Leticia del Carmen  e  PEREZ EGUES, Miguel Alejandro. The process of career orientation from the role of the psychopedagogue in the educational institution. Conrado [online]. 2020, vol.16, n.73, pp. 35-40.  Epub 02-Abr-2020. ISSN 1990-8644.

Contributing to the career orientation process, in correspondence with the educational and social demands, constitutes a challenge for the University in the current educational field. In this sense, in this article the conception of the professional orientation process is approached, as an aid relationship so that the student can make decisions in a self-determined way, based on the involvement of the psych pedagogue in the educational institution, the need is emphasized to take advantage of the potential of this specialist for the career orientation process, based on his psychological, pedagogical, scientific and methodological preparation to structure intervention strategies for the care of subjects in different areas.

Palavras-chave : Professional orientation; role of the psychologist; helping relationship.

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