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Minería y Geología

versão On-line ISSN 1993-8012


ADEOLUWA OLAJESU, Oluwaseyi; NOA MONJES, Rafael  e  QUEVEDO SOTOLONGO, Gilberto. Structural characterization of the rock mass of the underground mine Oro Descanso. Min. Geol. [online]. 2017, vol.33, n.4, pp. 456-467. ISSN 1993-8012.

In the rocky massif where the Oro Descanso underground mine is located, an assessment was made of the physical-mechanical properties of rocks, cracking and blocking, in order to propose safe tillage measures for underground mining excavations using appropriate empirical methods. From the evaluation made it was concluded that the massif is composed of areas of rocks of different quality: good, fair and poor. It is proposed for the area of good quality to work excavations with complete advance, of free length 1.0-1.5 m, using in the crown the support of cemented anchors of diameter 20 mm, length 3 m and spaced 2.5 m and apply concrete released 50 mm thick. For the zone of bad and regular quality, it is suggested to work in stepwise progression, of free length of 1-3 m and after each blasting, to install in the crown, cemented anchors of diameter 20 mm, length 4-5 m and spacing 1-2 m, placing on the sides metallic mesh, with concrete cast 50-150 mm thick.

Palavras-chave : underground mining; mining tillage; gold; rock mass.

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