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Minería y Geología

versão On-line ISSN 1993-8012


FONSECA-BENITEZ, Fredy A.. Geological-geophysical modeling with hydrogeological purposes in Corrales and Gámeza municipalities, Colombia. Min. Geol. [online]. 2018, vol.34, n.1, pp. 64-81. ISSN 1993-8012.

The purpose of the study was to evaluate in the lithologies of geological formations of Boyacá and Casanare, the behavior of physical properties such as apparent resistivity and natural gamma intensity, in order to locate favorable zones for water extraction. From the interpretation of the data provided by the methods of Electric Profiling, Vertical Electrical Probe and Radiometry geological-geophysical sections were developed that revealed for both sectors favorable conditions for the extraction of groundwater, since the lowest values of resistivities were they associate with saturated sandstones. It is recommended to verify these results by drilling and taking electrical records.

Palavras-chave : geophysical modeling; Vertical Electric Probe; Symmetrical Electric Profiling; natural gamma intensity; groundwater; Colombia.

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