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Podium. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física

versão On-line ISSN 1996-2452


GONZALEZ ESTUPINAN, Mercedes; LAFFITA PAULINO, Yarima  e  MILO DUBE, Mercedes. Tasks to promote temporal perception in gymnasts of the pioneer category of rhythmic gymnastics. Rev Podium [online]. 2019, vol.14, n.3, pp. 478-490.  Epub 03-Set-2019. ISSN 1996-2452.

The process of musical education in rhythmic gymnastics is important to achieve high competitive results from the current requirements of the score code. In its base it is the specialized perception of time, and its estimation will be different according to the individual characteristics of the subject; aspect that is trainable in many cases, when the temperamental characteristics do not mediate. However, at the present time the procedures that sustain the work of the trainers of the pioneer category in Matanzas to carry out this process are insufficient, what is evidenced in the low results in the evaluation of the artistic component in the competitive provincial event, due lack of harmony between the music and the movements. Based on this, the author proposed as an objective: to formulate tasks to favor the temporary perception of gymnasts of the pioneer category of rhythmic gymnastics of Matanzas. During the research, theoretical and empirical methods were used, among them: synthetic analytic, deductive inductive and as a fundamental empirical method the test of estimation of the elapsed time. The sample was made up of 36 gymnasts of this category. As a fundamental result, the tendencies of the gymnasts were obtained, which constitutes a tool for the work of the coaches and tasks are proposed for their education in the trainings. It was concluded that the greatest number of gymnasts are in the field of bradicrony, where 55.5 % of them estimated the slowest time and could be delayed in relation to the music performed.

Palavras-chave : bradicronic; rhythmic gymnastics; perception of time; taquicronic..

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