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 número40El reto de la transformación digital en la Escuela Nacional de Salud PúblicaCapital intelectual, atracción para la inversión extranjera en el sector salud y el crecimiento económico índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1996-3521


PEREZ MATAR, Rodolfo et al. Online resources facilitating teleworking. Infodir [online]. 2023, n.40  Epub 01-Abr-2023. ISSN 1996-3521.


Nowadays, the development of internet communication tools allows the expansion of remote working, a modality that is favoured by the new technologies available. It enables large volumes of information to be exchanged, work files to be used simultaneously and managers can monitor quality in real time.


To expose significant aspects of tools available on the Internet that facilitate work activity.


A documentary review of sources of information on the use of tools that increase work productivity was carried out. The Google search engine was used to compile informative texts, and others, such as Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar, were used to corroborate the scientific and academic support for the use of the tools identified.


Some of the free tools available on the internet consist of digital services that can be accessed from any connected device; they allow creating, storing and sharing documents with other people, making it easier for work teams to interact simultaneously. These tools foster a diversity of services without having to install and take up space as computer resources to perform different tasks in everyday work.


There are very useful digital tools available on the Internet that make work results faster and more productive, which facilitates teleworking.

Palavras-chave : online services; information technology; software.

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