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versão On-line ISSN 2077-2874


MORENO CUBELA, Fidel Jesús et al. Three-dimensional models of the human brain: teaching aids on human anatomy. EDUMECENTRO [online]. 2022, vol.14  Epub 20-Fev-2022. ISSN 2077-2874.


the study of human anatomy allows the student to be introduced to the language of health sciences, made up of no less than ten thousand proper terms. The development of teaching aids guarantees the achievement of meaningful learning in its contents.


to elaborate two didactic teaching aids on the anatomy of the human brain, useful for the improvement of the teaching-learning process in the Medicine degree.


a development research was carried out, with an extensive review of bibliographic materials to obtain the theoretical framework, at Manzanillo Faculty of Medical Sciences from July to September 2020. Empirical methods were used, and the teaching aids were made with the advice of specialists and designers as three-dimensional models.


two didactic teaching aids of the human brain were made: a sagittal section that offers a right lateral view, together with a three-dimensional brain made of construction plaster and acrylic paint. Both offer a legend with the names of their parts, delimited by different colors; for a better understanding they are addressed on an explanatory manual.


the products created can be used as teaching aids, both in undergraduate and postgraduate courses, allowing the development of professional skills and values from their elaboration to their presentation. They can be generalized and reproduced by the group of students and teachers in other contexts where they are useful.

Palavras-chave : teaching materials, students, medical; teaching; education, medical.

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